[Faith-talk] FW: [thefamilyoffaith] Girlfriends in God - January 6

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Fri Jan 6 18:34:51 UTC 2012

Original Message: 
From: "thefamilyoffaith" <TheFamilyofFaith at tampabay.rr.com>
To: <thefamilyoffaith at yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [thefamilyoffaith] Girlfriends in God - January 6
Fri, 6 Jan 2012 11:39:27 -0500


           We accidentally sent the January 5th Girlfriends in God
devotional again this morning. Thanks to everyone who wrote in to alert us
of the error! We apologize for the inconvenience.

                                January 6, 2012

                                Wow Him!

                                Pam Farrel

                                We hope you are enjoying the Girlfriends
in God daily devotions.

                                We (Mary, Sharon, and Gwen) would like to
introduce you to some of our special friends. 

                                From time-to-time, the Friday devotions
will be written by one of our friends in ministry.  We call them our
"Friday Friends."  So grab your Bible and a fresh cup of coffee and drink
in the words from our "Friday Friend," Pam Farrel. 

                                Today's Truth

                                Love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter

                                Friend to Friend

                                My husband, Bill, loves his coffee. But
along with his love of coffee, Bill also has a habit that can be very
annoying - his aversion to getting the coffee mugs into the dishwasher. I
find coffee cups every place imaginable: in the garage, in the car, in the
truck, in the closet, on the sidewalk, on the deck and patio, in the shop,
in the office, on the stairwell, in the bathroom-you name it, and I have
probably found a coffee cup there. It is a good thing we are authors and
speakers because we love collecting the coffee mugs from all the churches
where we speak and all the TV and radio shows on which we appear -and we
need every one of those mugs! 

                                I am not a coffee drinker really. I might
drink a nonfat latte, but for the most part, coffee makes my heart race,
and I prefer that only Bill makes my heart skip a beat! Bill says I am
naturally caffeinated by God and it takes Bill drinking three cups of
coffee just to keep up with my energy. On the other hand, Bill has an
internal homing device that helps him spot a Starbucks green awning! 

                                How did I handle the mugs issue?

                                Appreciate the Difference: Coffee is a
part of what makes Bill - well, Bill! One day, as we were preparing to move
homes, I was doing that "last load of dishes" and I realized it was all
coffee mugs - 47 of them to be exact! It made me smile because years ago, I
decided to pray for Bill every time I saw one of his empty displaced mugs.
I was seeking to apply the principle "love covers a multitude of sins" (1
Peter 4:8 ). I have embraced the ever-reappearing-dirty coffee mug with
fond affection because it reminds me of my hard workin' man who requires
caffeine to do all the wonderful acts of service that benefit so many -
including me.

                                Celebrate the Difference: We
celebratedBill's 50th birthday by having Bill select and then roast his own
brand of coffee. It took one whole afternoon to visit a coffee farm, select
the beans, roast them to perfection and then design the label. I knew I had
a winning date as Bill sat and lingered a moment to savor the aroma of his
Farrel Family blend of Mountain Thunder Vienna roast. He took a sip. I then
watched a big grin appear on my husband's well-caffeinated soul.  

                                Let's Pray

                                God, if anyone I love has something that
is driving me crazy, please help me look for the upside, the flipside of
that thing so I can see my family and friends the way You see them. Help me
desire to bless them. Give me creative ways to express my love when I am

                                In Jesus's Name,


                                Now It's Your Turn

                                Today, take that thing that is driving
you crazy about your husband (sibling, parent, roommate or coworker) and
pray about it. Then look for a way to celebrate them. If you are married,
step out and create a date to WOW him! 

                                Girlfriends in God

                                P.O. Box 725

                                Matthews, NC 28106

                                info at girlfriendsingod.com
                        Explore Further

                                Bible Gateway
                                More newsletters
                                Girlfriends in God


                                Looking for more daily inspiration?
                                Sign up for a Verse of the Day


      This email was sent to: thefamilyoffaith at tampabay.rr.com

            This email was sent by: Bible Gateway
            5300 Patterson Avenue SE Grand Rapids, MI 49530 USA  


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