[Faith-talk] Tuesday's Quotes

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 12:41:29 UTC 2012

Hello and good day to you all from a guy with a scratchy throat, caused by the outside inclement weather at the annual March For Life in Washington DC.  Pray that this little malady will leave me and that the undersigned can get back to his chats, whether online or over the phone.  I can tell you that once source at the March For Life said that 200,000 people were on the National Mall that stretches from the White House to the Capitol Building.  It was inspiring, especially when we were separated from our groups.  A lady whom I didn't know from Shenandoah Iowa gave me half a very juicy apple somewhere along the way.  Well, this proves that, even though we Christians may not know each other personally, we are definitely one in the Body of Christ.  But as usual I digress.  Here are today's quotes for your consideration, pondering and reflection.

Real tears are not those that fall from your eyes and cover your face, but that fall from your heart and cover your soul.

No one can follow Christ and go astray.  Frederic W. Farrar

Today the greatest single deterrent to knowing Jesus is His familiarity.  Because we think we know Him, we pass Him by.  Kirkland

It is an eminent part of worship--the giving of Him glory.  Joseph Caryl

Men do not reject the Bible because it contradicts itself, but because it contradicts them.  Author unknown

If you want to live more, you must master the art of appreciating the little, everyday blessings of life.

This is not altogether a golden world, but there are countless gleams of gold to be discovered in it if we give our minds to them.  Porter

And there you have it for today.  Actually tomorrow's pearl of wisdom is one single quote, but its author, whoever he or she might be, said such profound things that I want to just use this single quote for tomorrow.  You'll see when you read it.

And now until tomorrow when, Lord willing more quotes will be presented, I remain your obedient servant of the One who lived an earthly existence, died to pay for your sins and mine, and now lives forever to bring us His salvation and peace, Paul Barnabas.

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