[Faith-talk] accessible church service material

Ashley Bramlett bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Sun Jun 17 02:29:49 UTC 2012

Hi all,

While electronic info makes it easier to get material, its also making it harder. Everyone else can see a screen. These big overhead screens flash multi media material through the service.
What do you do if the church puts out all info on a screen such as announcements, verses, and yes lyrics to the songs/hymns?

Many nomendemonitional churches do this including big churches in my area. I’m attending one off and on so I’m aware of this issue. Not sure what to do. Their accessibility department seems to focus on other people with disabilities, but maybe if my needs are known they’ll do something. 

I’m sure this issue is of concern as more churches adopt a screen format as opposed to traditional hym books.

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