[Faith-talk] FW: [URCTCPrayerGroup2] URCTC Prayer Group 2 Word: [New post] Prophetic Encouragement From Sarah Young, Submitted by Gerrie Harman

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Mon Mar 5 07:11:14 UTC 2012

Original Message: 
From: "BeeJay" <beejayokla at cox.net>
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
Subject: [URCTCPrayerGroup2] URCTC Prayer Group 2 Word: [New post]
Prophetic Encouragement From Sarah Young, Submitted by Gerrie Harman
Sun, 4 Mar 2012 23:54:30 -0600

                        New post on sisbeejay    

                                  Prophetic Encouragement From Sara
Young, Submitted by Gerrie Harman
                                by sisbeejay  

                              Message by Sarah Young:

                              Refuse to worry! In this world there will
always be something enticing you to worry. That is the nature of a fallen,
fractured planet; Things are not as they should be. So the temptation to be
anxious is constantly with you, trying to worm its way into your mind. The
best defense is continual communication with Me, richly seasoned with
thanksgiving. Awareness of My Presence fills your mind with Light and
Peace, leaving no room for fear. This awareness lifts you up above your
circumstances, enabling you to see problems from My perspective. Live close
to Me! Together We can keep the wolves of worry at bay.

                              Luke 12:25-26.
                              25, And which of you with taking thought
can add to his stature one cubit?
                              26, If ye then be not able to do that thing
which is least, why take ye thought for the rest?

                              1 Thessalonians 5: 16-22,
                              16, Rejoice evermore.
                              17, Pray without ceasing.
                              18, In everything give thanks; for this is
the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
                              19, Quench not the Spirit.
                              20, Despise not prophesyings
                              21, Prove all things; hold fast that which
is g00d.
                              22, Abstain from all appearance of evil.

                              This morning's message:

                              My child, you and I will work together. I
need you to put My Words down that My people might know that I continue to
speak in the language that their ears does hear , and how badly you need My
Word each day. You, as well as others do need to hear words from you Loving
Heavenly Father. I spoke through the prophets of old and I spoke the Word,
and My Word is life to the receiver. My Word never grows old, neither out
of date. Christianity isn't out of date as many believe today. I AM
considered a myth to some and only Christians recognizes Me as the Son of
God, even though there are those who have heard this and believe Me to be
sent from God even to save humanity as well, but does not find grace
because they refuse to accept Me as their own personal Savior and Lord.
They will not find grace even though they work long and hard trying to
inherit eternal life even though grace is a free gift unto all who will
accept Me.
                              I would have My followers to be as faithful
to Me as those of false teachings are to their God. I would have My people
to be as faithful to share the message of the grace of God with them as
they are to convert others to their religions. satan is much on the rise in
false religion. He knows it is a desire of mankind to worship something for
their peace of mind, even though it is a false peace; and he will deceive
all he can, and anyway he can. he isn't against religion, but against
Jehovah God, and His righteousness. he isn't against one living a clean
life as long as they have not the grace of God through the Holy Spirit. One
must put on Christ Jesus to inherit eternal salvation through the Holy
Spirit which is of God, and from God; and there is no other Gods but the
creator God who is from beginning to end and in Him is neither beginning or
ending for He is the eternal one, and so are you who have been created in
His Likeness. God is very near unto His people and He desires to prove
Himself to His people. He is always near unto those who call upon Him in
the Name of Jesus.

                              sisbeejay | March 4, 2012 at 11:53 pm |
Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p1sTxT-ln 

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