[Faith-talk] FW: [Native_American_Christians] Friday - March 9, 2012 - The Bible Times

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Fri Mar 9 20:06:04 UTC 2012

Original Message: 
From: "Amy Luckey" <aluckey1940 at gmail.com>
To: "7 Krazy Korner" <krazyKorner at yahoogroups.com>, "6 Native American
Christians" <Native_American_Christians at yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [Native_American_Christians] Friday - March 9,2012 - The Bible
Fri, 9 Mar 2012 09:38:31 -0500

Go Away Little Girl

Percy Faith

I Believe... 
That just because two people argue, 
It doesn't mean they don't love each other. 
And just because they don't argue, 
It doesn't mean they do love each other.


For The Way
Charles Swindoll

He will exult over you with joy.
He will be quiet in His love.

Zephaniah 3:17

     I am more convinced than ever that there is no way you and I can
move toward a deeper, intimate relationship with our God without protracted
times of stillness, which includes one of the rarest of all experiences:
absolute silence.
     Am I sounding more like a mystical dreamer?  If so, so was the
psalmist who wrote those familiar words we often quote but seldom obey, "Be
still and know that I am God" (Ps. 46:10, NIV)...
     We are commanded to stop (literally)... rest, relax, let go, and
make time for Him.  The scene is one of stillness and quietness, listening
and waiting before Him.  Such foreign experiences in these busy times! 
Nevertheless, knowing God deeply and intimately requires such discipline. 
Silence is indispensable if we hope to add depth to our spiritual life.

Intimacy with the Almighty

The Bible

Fast Facts
2500-2300 BC

South America, c. 2500 BC;   Gold objects are being made by the people of
Waywakas, situated in present-day Peru.  Elsewhere on this great continent,
far removed from the hotbed of civilization in the NEar East,
experimentation with crops has independently led to the selection and
hybridization of maize.  The land can now sustain a large population, and
many permanent villages have been established, with trade routes between
them all.
Britain, c 2500 BC;   New immigrants from mainland Europe are settling
here.  Salisbury Plain has become one of the island's main centers of
Mediterranean, c 2500 BC;   Megalithic building has begun to spread from
Malta through to the Atlantic, extending north towards Sweden.
China, c. 2500 BC;  On the lowlands of south-east Asia, farmers have
devised a method of cultivating rice crops.  They have also mastered the
art of bronze casting.
Denmark, c. 2399 BC;   The link between death and fertility  in the
popular mind is illustrated by the recently made like of a cremation urn. 
It has the figure of a man with an erect penis touching a hole in the
center of the lid.  He is holding out his hands to a woman on the other
side of the hole, behind whom is a may tree, a symbol of fertility.  It is
thought that the hole represents the presence of the underworld which is
needed for successful mating.

Love in Christ


Extraordinary Facts
Quirky Inventor's Explosive Career
Leads to Noble Testament

Alfred Nobel
10-21-1833 - 12-10-1896

He created the Nobel Peace Prize.  He also invented dynamite.
When Alfred Nobel wrote his legendary will, was it to atone for
his devastating invention?  Or was it simply the
good deed of a man dedicated to peace?

(part one)

Protecting a Secret Prize

     In December 1896, Ragnar Sohlman rode nervously in a carriage
through Paris, sitting atop a box containing one of the world's great
fortunes.  Sohlman was the main executor for the will of Alfred Nobel, the
Swedish-born industrialist - and inventor of dynamite - who had just died
at an Italian villa, after years of residing in the French capital.
     Sohlman had his hand full,  Nobel's will consisted of one long,
vague paragraph, directing that the then-huge amount of $4.2 million be
awarded to those "who during the preceding year shall have conferred the
greatest benefit to mankind" the fields of medicine, chemistry, physics,
literature, and peace.
     Nobel had named the organizations he wanted to dispense the awards
but hadn't bothered to tell them.  Nor had he set up a foundation.
     Nobel had lived in Italy, Russia, Germany, the United States, and
other lands.  Thus, many different nations could claim his wealth.

(continued on Monday)

>From The 
Michael A. Guido, D.D

The 'Sea of Galilee Boat' housed in the 
Yigal Alon Museum in Kibbutz Ginosar

Wanted: A Boat

     Wanted: a boat!
     For Fishing?  No, for preaching.
     Our Lord was preaching on the shore.  A great crowd had gathered and
pressed on Him.  Seeing two boats tied up near where He was preaching, He
asked Peter for one.  He got into it, sat down, and taught the crowd.
     Did Peter lose by it?  Oh, no.  Our Lord filled two boats full of
     Our Lord has a way of using our ordinary things for His
extraordinary work:  a boat, a carpenter's bench, a pen, a home.  And
they're never the same after He uses them.
     He'll use what you have, if  you'll let Him.
     Will you?


All that we are and all that we have,
Father, we give to You to use as You will.
Take us as we are, send us where You will,
and use us as You desire:  in the precious name
of Jesus.  Amen

Percy Faith  Go Away Little Girl 

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