[Faith-talk] FW: [thefamilyoffaith] Be Foolish | Encouragement For Today

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Fri Mar 9 19:51:38 UTC 2012

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Subject: [thefamilyoffaith] Be Foolish | Encouragement For Today
Fri, 9 Mar 2012 08:33:20 -0500

Be Foolish | Encouragement For Today | Proverbs 31 Ministries

                        March 9, 2012

                              Be Foolish
                              Nicki Koziarz

                          "Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in
obedience to him." Psalm 128:1 (NIV)

                        What kind of foolish do you want to be? It's a
question I've started asking myself.

                        When I hear the word "foolish," I'm drawn to the
story of Noah, a man passionate about the pursuit of obedience, despite
looking like a fool.

                        In Genesis 6, God speaks to Noah about the
greatest flood that would ever occur (6:17). He instructed Noah to build a
massive ark (6:14-16) and to bring his family (6:18) and two of every
creature (6:19-20) on board.

                        People thought Noah had lost his mind. What kind
of a fool would build a giant boat and load it with smelly animals? All
while there was not a raindrop in sight. I imagine the mockery he endured
from those in his community was painful for Noah.

                        Yes, Noah appeared awfully foolish. Until. those
dark clouds rolled in. Until. it rained and rained and rained. Until. water
covered the entire earth.

                        Noah as a person inspires me, but his obedience
challenges me.

                        A few years ago I listened to an author share a
story about a book she had written. Sales took off quickly. A few weeks
after the release of the book, another author wrote her an honest email.

                        This woman said she knew she was supposed to
write a book with the same message as the best-selling one. God had given
her identical verses and points to make. Yet she'd disobeyed Him and put
off writing that book; she felt the Lord had given the other author the
message instead.

                        The regret from disobedience of not writing that
book made her feel foolish. Hearing this story, I thought of all the
opportunities of God's plans I had missed because of disobedience. In my
own regrets, I too felt foolish.

                        Truthfully, God does not need us to accomplish
anything. He's God-sovereign, powerful and mighty-with or without us. But,
He wants to use us. He's given gifts, talents and great purpose in Him to
each person.

                        The painful reality is, if we don't obey God, we
will miss out.

                        The pursuit of obedience can be hard. Along the
way we may lose friends, be mocked or called crazy. But ultimately, we have
a choice: obedience that may look foolish to others or regrets that will
make us feel foolish later on.

                        What kind of foolish do you want to be?

                          Dear Lord, thank You so much for always giving
us another chance to pursue the purpose You have for our lives. May today
be a day we begin living out the promises and plans You have for us more
than ever. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

                        Reflect and Respond:
                        Is there something God has called you to do that
you've been putting aside?

                        Today, take one step towards that goal or dream.

                        Power Verses:
                        John 10:10, "The thief comes only to steal and
kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the
full." (NIV)

                        Genesis 6:22, "Noah did everything just as God
commanded him." (NIV)

                        © 2012 by Micca Campbell. All rights reserved.

                        Proverbs 31 Ministries
                        616-G Matthews-Mint Hill Road
                        Matthews, NC 28105

                        877-P31-HOME (877-731-4663) 


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