[Faith-talk] Good Night Message for Monday, November 19 2012

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 01:26:57 UTC 2012

Hello and good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you happen to reside. Here in North America, it is or will be evening, thus a good night message, even though it's not evening where some of you live.  Nonetheless I pray that our days went well today or are going well.

The newest member to our small coterie of Christian writers is back with what will hope to be a thought-provoking article, if not one for discussion.  Her name is Joyce A. Felske and her contribution is entitled "Be Wise," rendered as follows:

We all want to know all the answers and understand all that is going on.  How we shine when we give out wise counsel from God! A Christian ought to be humbled when He knows that all His wisdom comes from God!

If you are wise, you will take God's advice.  In Ecclesiastes 8, Solomon talked about obeying the government.  A wise person will vote, pay taxes, and obey the laws of the land.  We are not wise if we break the law unless that law goes against God's Word.  There is always a right (wise) way to do things, and we should seek that way.

We do not know the future, nor can we influence its direction.  We have to watch things develop as they happen.  We cannot escape what is going to happen to us--even death--so we would be wise to do right and let the future take care of itself.

We must be prepared for the suddenness of events in our life.  If we fear God and trust in Him, we need not fear our future.  That is being wise.

Solomon thought about how people have the power to hurt each other.  He had seen that the wicked were given honor upon their deaths and often were praised at their funerals.  Even today people often ignore those who committed crimes if they have not been punished quickly.  A wise person, however, will fear God.  He will have peace and forgiveness in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Many people think they are wise and are doing the right thing when they persecute Christians today.  They call them bigots, unloving, and intolerant for speaking out against homosexuals and false religions.  Those who do wrong against the Bible and God are considered good people and worthy of all honor today.  False religions are are considered just different ways to God.  Where do you stand this day--as a wise man in God's sight, or do you tolerate the new ways of the world and think that is being wise?

Solomon concluded by recommending that if all you have is what the world offers, you might as well eat, drink, and party, and have some happiness in this life.

In Solomon's search for wisdom, he tried to observe all that is going on in the world.  We also should try to observe what is going on in the world without God.  It is wise to admit that some things are left to God alone; so relax, God is in control!

And there you have it for today.  Not to put anyone here on the spot, but I wonder how many of you, if any of you do, meditate on these short articles before you retire to bed or do so before your next activity, whether that be a meal, a walk, or anything else?  Just curious.  Thanks for any answers.

And now may the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob just keep us safe, individually and collectively, throughout this night or day and especially in these last days in which we live.  Your Christian friend and brother, Paul

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