[Faith-talk] Good Night Message for Friday, September 7 2012

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 8 01:42:43 UTC 2012

Well, it's that time of day again at least for those of us in North America, time to get ready for bed, whether now or in a few hours, depending where you live.  On the other hand, as this is being written it's very early in the morning in the UK or in Europe, and it's early afternoon for those of you in the South Pacific.  Anyway I hope and pray that we North Americans had a great day, by God's matchless grace and His providential care.

Mrs. Grace Belisle of Mokalunne Hill CA submits a poem for today entitled "The Antique," rendered as follows:

"How old are you, Teacher?"
The little boy said
As I patted him on
His small red head.
Now I had been thinking that I grew younger
As years passed by.
So I looked into his curious eyes
Without undue or sad surprise.

"I'm 30," I said
With a gentle smile,
Feeling younger all the while.
He gazed at me with a grin
As if being 30
Were quite a sin.
"Oh, is that all?" he quickly cried,
As though he thought
That I had lied.
"My mother said
Just the other day
That you looked 40, anyway."
"40," I cried in pained chagrin
And let the demon of doubt creep in.

Now all of my vanity lies dead.
There are no ideas in my head
About the fountain of lost youth.
I think the youngster told the truth.

And there you have it for now.  And now may the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob just keep us safe, individually and collectively, throughout this night or day and especially in these last days in which we live.  Your Christian friend and brother, Paul

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