[Faith-talk] being healed from blindness

Julie McGinnity kaybaycar at gmail.com
Wed Dec 18 20:53:35 UTC 2013

I have had mostly good experiences in the churches I have attended.
But I did have a negative experience at a college ministry group.  I
was prayed over for healing, even though I tried to explain that I
didn't want it.  If it is God's will, that's one thing, but I haven't
heard of any magical surgeries or been told by an angel that I would
receive sight.  Sorry for the slight sarcasm.  I am happy the way I am
and have even thanked God for it.  I wouldn't be who I am if I could
see.  Because of my blindness, I have met some wonderful people
through the NFB and other groups, have been blessed to work with a
fabulous guide dog, and have been able to help other people with
disabilities in so many ways.  I truly believe that God has led me to
these things.  I do believe that healings can occur, but I don't pray
for one for myself or others unless they are truly sick or ask for it.

I tried to explain this to them, and they didn't understand.  They
truly believed it was God's will that I would be healed one day, and
they actually thought that I was just being stubbern in saying I
didn't want sight.

I love that God can turn something like blindness, that everyone
thinks is a tragedy, into such a life adventure.  Yes, blindness has
some pretty obnoxious components.  Anyone have trouble finding rides
to churches?  But the community the NFB offers and the other things we
experience that most people don't even dream of.  Most people don't
even know what Braille looks like aside from random dots on a page.

Ok, yes, I am radically positive, and believe me, I have faced
discrimination and set backs due to blindness.  But those things can
allow me to help others and have been an important part of God's plan
for me.

Praise God for knowing better than we do what we can handle and what
kind of people we can be!

On 12/18/13, Poppa Bear <heavens4real at gmail.com> wrote:
> One thing I don't think many people understand is that in almost every
> church you have so few people carrying so many of the responsibilities.
> Everyone else can tend to think that eather somebody else will be there to
> pat people on the back, visit the sick, or work in the nursery or ten
> different other things, that is why our Pastor is very dillagent to make the
> needs for different mynistries known weekly at the services as well as by
> weekly email updates. Right now at our Church behind the sceens we are
> talking about the need to build a whole other structure on the property to
> house sand and special sanders and snow plows for the winter. The only local
> company who made sand available on the weekends is no longer doing so, and
> with our congragation consisting of so many elderly and us living in Alaska,
> we can not afford to have an icey acre parking lot and have just one elderly
> person fall and break a hip, it could be a matter of life or death, but this
> is all behind the sceens and will take permits, a couple hundred thousands
> and it has placed a certain amount of stress on people who are also wearing
> ten different other hats and this is just to keep the parking lot safe. This
> is a drop in the bucket of the daily issues and duties that have to be taken
> care of at the church. The point is that many people think the Church is the
> love boat and they don't need to be one of the people who help man the deck,
> they think that it is just a warm building full of smiling faces that they
> can find happyness and companionship in.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "sheila" <sleigland at bresnan.net>
> To: "Faith-talk,for the discussion of faith and religion"
> <faith-talk at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 8:10 AM
> Subject: Re: [Faith-talk] being healed from blindness
>> sounds like you attend an awesome church. It sounds like you keep involved
>> and your right people won't automatically come to you we have to be
>> willing to reach out.
>> On 12/18/2013 8:28 AM, Maureen Pranghofer wrote:
>>> Your church sounds lots like ours.  It's a large church, about 5000
>>> members and they say right off the bat "If you want to get connected,
>>> become involved, people won't come to you."  Consequently I have written
>>> music for the church, was on worship team for years, have contributed and
>>> been in Bible studies, am the scheduler for a ministry doing home repair
>>> to widows and abused women and disabled folks, am a hospital and nursing
>>> home visitor and in a prayer group.  My husband is taking his 7th trip to
>>> Haiti where the church built a home for disabled children.  Even though
>>> he is in a wheelchair and born with no arms they let him do this.  So we
>>> enjoy giving. The church had done lots of ome mantainance things for us,
>>> put up our Christmas tree, has youth come once a month to help with
>>> whatever we have need of doing, provided me a reader, and as been
>>> involved in our lives in so many ways but it's because the church is not
>>> the organization, leadership or building it's the people.  We do
>>> exposatory preaching working our way through Bible books week after week
>>> just a few verses at a time.  Took the congregation 5 years to study
>>> Matthew.  Maybe there is a relationship between ow the church is in the
>>> Word and the way people are treated, don't know just wondering.  I
>>> apologize for this being so long.
>>> Maureen
>>> -----Original Message----- From: Poppa Bear
>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 10:13 PM
>>> To: Faith-talk,for the discussion of faith and religion
>>> Subject: Re: [Faith-talk] being healed from blindness
>>> This is all diffirent for me and sounds a little odd because in my case I
>>> am
>>> usually the care taker for those around me, I invite those who have less
>>> over for dinner, xmas, and Thanksgiving. We end up being a small refuge
>>> for
>>> quite a few families and have a couple give and take open door
>>> relationships
>>> with members of my Church. I have a gentlemen  who is faithful as a
>>> grandfather clock to call me every friday to see if I want to go to the
>>> mens
>>> breakfast and pick me up bright and early every time. Another lady picks
>>> up
>>> my girls every morning to take them to the Christian school. The thing
>>> is
>>> that our Pastor really drives home the point of living out active
>>> Christian
>>> lives that consist of faithful Christian service that leads to great
>>> oppertunities to love and bless others and as people start to listen to
>>> his
>>> preaching from the word they find that the truth that "it is better to
>>> give
>>> then to receive" is a faithful and tru promis. Never the less I am sure
>>> that
>>> there are plenty of broken and lonely hearts in my Church just dying for
>>> a
>>> closer relationship with somebody in the body.
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "RJ Sandefur"
>>> <joltingjacksandefur at gmail.com>
>>> To: "Faith-talk,for the discussion of faith and religion"
>>> <faith-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 5:10 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [Faith-talk] being healed from blindness
>>>> Unforchantely, that is all to comon place. RJ
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Paul" <oilofgladness47 at gmail.com>
>>>> To: "Faith-talk,for the discussion of faith and religion"
>>>> <faith-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 9:02 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [Faith-talk] being healed from blindness
>>>>> I've an answer to this problem about the church pitying us because of
>>>>> our blindness, and I read this statement many years ago in a book about
>>>>> blind welfare from the RNIB.  The main reason, as I and the author of
>>>>> the book see it, is that there is yet no practical substitution to the
>>>>> human eye. For some deaf and hard of hearing people there is the
>>>>> cochlear implant and for people who have lost limbs or arms there are
>>>>> artificial ones which, although naturally not like the originals in
>>>>> their totality, nevertheless work to some extent.  Unfortunately even
>>>>> in my church, even though they don't pity me, no one will invite me
>>>>> over to their place for a meal and some good conversation.  This
>>>>> happened after our Thanksgiving Day service, and I pray it won't happen
>>>>> after Christmas Day services either.  Hope that was an adequate
>>>>> explanation.  Paul
>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "RJ Sandefur"
>>>>> <joltingjacksandefur at gmail.com>
>>>>> To: "Faith-talk,for the discussion of faith and religion"
>>>>> <faith-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 7:53 PM
>>>>> Subject: [Faith-talk] being healed from blindness
>>>>>> Dear list, First, as someone wi!th a doctorate in theology, I must say
>>>>>> I've not seen anywhere in scripture Christ refur to blindness as
>>>>>> something to be looked upon as evil, and yet, the church tens to pity
>>>>>> us. I've not seen this in my own church thank the Lord, but I know
>>>>>> some of you have. God allowed to be blind, and I don't need some
>>>>>> faulse teacher to tell me to claim my healing, just so they can bum
>>>>>> money off me
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Julie McG
National Association of Guide dog Users board member,  National
Federation of the Blind performing arts division secretary,
Missouri Association of Guide dog Users President,
and Guiding Eyes for the Blind graduate 2008
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that
everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal
John 3:16

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