[Faith-talk] THE Brotherhood organization has officially been declared a terrorist organization in Egypt.

Mostafa mostafa.almahdy at gmail.com
Wed Dec 25 21:38:44 UTC 2013

The Brotherhood organization which misuses Islamic slogans and symbles to gain political aims has officially been considered a terrorist organization in Egypt.

Will the international community abide by this decision?

Will Obama administration decease supporting the brotherhood party?

Will wicked Apologists attempt to invoke the notion, that this is a proof that Islam itself is a terrorist religion?

By the way, the Qur’an commanded us to fight terrorism, even if it was made by our Muslim fellows.

Please refer to Qur’an 49 9, to see the statement clear in there.

I am glad that this organization has been declared as a terrorist entity, not by the United states government, but by the Muslims themselves.

May Allah bestow the grace of truth, and destroy the wickedness of the falsehood.


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