[Faith-talk] The mysterious silence.

Mostafa mostafa.almahdy at gmail.com
Thu Dec 26 14:57:11 UTC 2013

Dear all, peace be with you.

Yesterday, the Egyptian government has officially declared the brotherhood movement a terrorist organization.

It has also officially declared, that if anyone was caught supporting, defending, supplying, promoting, funding, or even sharing information with the Brotherhood, will instantly be considered a definite affiliate, and thus, he is immediately subjected to the mandatory  legal procedures, which may consequence into imposing critical sanctions if the suspect was guilty.

The government has ultimately made its mind on that regard, and particularly, when the significant probes of the National Intelligence Agency in Egypt, has presented numerous reports on tieing the Brotherhood movement with all the terrorist attacks occurred after the former President deposed.

  I am enormously felicitous with this intrepid pace.

But at the same time, I am quite perplexed of something.

   I thought that the Whitehouse will be the first official authority to affirm the step forward the Egyptian government has taken.

I believe it is quite strange and mysterious, for the Whitehouse to remain silent until now.

I thought the United States was the top on waging the global war on terror, and particularly, in rapid subsequence to September Eleventh. 

So why they are backing up now?

Would you agree with the proposition, that the United States government acts unilaterally when it comes to the political interest.

And this is why I intensely oppose the United states foreign policy.

I am waiting to see a statement from the Whitehouse, determining their stance about that.

Thank you for reading.   

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