[Faith-talk] Revision to the concept of Original Sin in Christianity and Islam. Please my friends, read with your wisdom, and temporarily suspend your religious emotions.

Mostafa mostafa.almahdy at gmail.com
Sat Dec 28 02:28:07 UTC 2013

Dear all, Peace be with you.

                    I hope you all are keeping really well.

Today, I just intended to rewrite this essay for mindful recreations.

For those who follow my posts regularly, they know that I previously discussed the concept of original sin  within Christianity and Islam.

Well today, I am just going to refresh your memories.

What is Original sin in Christianity?

Well basicly, it is the belief that Adam and Eve, they both sinned by eating from the forbidden tree, the tree that has the knowledge of good and evil.

Consequently, their sin has been made a part of their nature.

God was angry with them, and He made the sinful attitude to consecutively be inherited, generation upon generation.

God thought how could He possibly resolve this terribly annoying trouble.

There were multiple options to consider but, God decided to fix the problem unusually, yet inconsistently in my humble opinion.

At its inception, He had to have a son, he was begotten, not made.

Begotten means generated, not originated.

So according to the concept of Original Sin in Christianity, God has begotten  a son.

His son have had to pay the cost for humanity.

He was brutally   Crucified to redeem the disgrace of humanity.

It seems to me, and I think, it does for any sensible individual, that God had to shed blood to atone.

That is the concept of original sin in Christianity.

The concept of original sin in Christianity is essentially the bedrock of the doctrinal tennets of Crucifixion and redemption.   

The concept is predominantly undecipherable, and it is demonstratively fallacious on the rational stance. 

      So in  concise terms and contrasting equivalence,  what is the concept of original sin according to our Islamic perspective?

It is the explicit disobedience of Lucifer to Allah, and his arrogance of declining to prostrate to Adam, a prostration of honour, not a prostration of submission.

Lucifer believed that he is superior than Adam, because he was created from smokeless fire, whilst Adam was created from mud.

Thus, Lucifer hates and hostiles Adam along with his ancestry because of their race.

It is a superlative disposition, a racial standpoint.

He directly challenged Allah, that he will take Adam and his children with him to hell, because he is convinced that they are the ones who made him expelled.

So he was the innovator, and his assimilators were the cofounders of racism.

        That is the concept of original sin in Islam.

It does not belong to Adam and Eve, it belongs to the Devil, and consequently, it is not inherited.

Well, so did Adam and Eve eat from the forbidden tree in Islam?

Yes, the scenario is just the same, but the concept is quite different.

When they sinned, Allah has atoned their resentment without any     
Discretion nor He awaited to sacrifice someone.

He is all Omnipotent, and sequently, He just atoned them.

In Islam, we do not blame the sin on Eve, nor we believe she tempted her husband.

We believe that the Devil has beguiled  both of them simultaneously.

Therefore, we just curse the Devil, we condemn this act for what it is, and we held them both equally accountable for their own misdeed.

  In Islam, Allah gave them the chance to repent, so they did, and He atoned them, simple as that.

In Islam, we consider Adam and Eve as our initial parents, and we do not blame them for any subjection of Original sin.

I just attended to eliminate the theological duplications, so you can conveniently determine yourself and recognize the plain difference.

Do not be afraid of using your intellectual principles to recognize the truth.

Your mind is there for a reason, and it has a job to do.

If it was insignificant, Allah would have not created it.

I do not impose my subjective views on you, and I do not expect you to abandon your faith though.

I just encourage you to use the bounty of intelligence, which Allah made in you.

Why He did not make us slugs instead?

Because He expects us to think.

That is the distinctive characteristic which Allah gave to Adam and his children, and that is our intelligence, and our adequacy to blame ourselves when we slip up.

Thank you for reading, and have a pleasant time, Happy new year.

Peace be with you.


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