[Faith-talk] Daily Thought for Saturday, July 20, 2013

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 20 20:36:31 UTC 2013

Hello and good day to all my readers and listeners, whether or not you use Braille displays, screen magnification or audio screen readers.  I hope and pray that your day is going well or went well.

I think that it's time for a little Christian humor to lighten things up a bit.  After all, as the Word says in Proverbs, "Laughter is the best medicine." It is with that thought in mind that some humor is in order right now.  Enjoy a good laugh or groan, depending on the reaction each of these tidbits engenders.

The sideline reporter asked the coach, "I hear you keep a pastor on the bench who prays for your team during the game.  Is he available for me to interview?"

"Sure," replied the coach.  "But which one:  the offensive or the defensive pastor?"

Trying to teach his myna bird to talk, a bird owner said "Good morning" to it upon arising each day for several months.  The myna bird refused to cooperate and said nothing.

One morning the man, feeling out of sorts, walked right past the bird without his usual greeting.  The parrot eyed him coldly and said, "What's wrong with you today?"

Having just planted a garden for the first time, the former apartment-dweller asked his experienced friend, "When the seeds begin to sprout, how can you tell the flowers from the weeds?"

"Pull them all out," the friend replied, "the ones that come up again are the weeds."

One gloomy Monday morning, an older gentleman stepped into an elevator and started humming a cheerful song and dancing a little jig.  One stone-faced executive was particularly irritated by the man's happy mood and snapped, "What have you got to be happy about today?"

The old gentleman replied, "Well, sir, I've never lived this day before!"

Question:  What's the definition of a will?
Answer:  A dead giveaway.

"Of course," said the pilot of the riverboat to the nervous passenger, "I've been running boats on this river so long I know where every snag and sandbar is."

Just then the boat struck a submerged snag with such force that it shivered from stem to stern.

"There," said the pilot, "that's one of them now!"

And there you have it for today.  Over the years I've collected quite a heap of these, and would be glad to share some with you from time to time, if interested.

And now may the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob just keep us safe, individually and collectively, throughout these last days in which we live.  Your Christian friend and brother, Oil of Gladness

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