[Faith-talk] Daily Thought for Sunday, July 21, 2013

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 21 23:31:29 UTC 2013

Hello and good Lord's Day to most of you as this is being written, and good Monday to you in Australia and New Zealand.  I hope and pray that your Lord's Day worship experience was a blessing, whether you worshipped Him corporately in your respective houses of worship, online or via radio or TV.

We haven't delved in the archives lately of articles written by the late Dr. Ralph Montanus, so let's return to those with his article entitled "The Amazing Nearness of Christ's Return," rendered as follows:

Those of you reading these lines lived to see the literal fulfillment of our Lord's words in Luke 21:24.  Most of you were alive on the face of the earth to see, in the month of June 1967, the sudden, unexpected fulfillment of an event that never occurred from the time Israel went into captivity until some 29 years ago (when this was written) when, in a lightning six-day war, Israel captured Jerusalem and additional territories which she never possessed as a nation since the days that Nebuchadnezzar captured the City of Jerusalem.  Down through the corridor of time, during the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Grecian and Roman Empires, the nation of Israel was in total captivity to these Gentile powers.  Our Lord predicted in Luke, chapter 21, that Israel would continue to be under Gentile domination until the times of the Gentiles were fulfilled.

Is it not amazing, yes, almost astonishing, that a little nation like Israel, with only some 2 million Jews, could defeat the armies of the Arab nations comprising some 100 million inhabitants? If there ever was a lopsided match of power, 100 million Arabs to 2 million Jews, this typifies to the overwhelming majority being defeated by the small minority.  Whoever said, "One with God is a majority," surely knew what he was talking about.

It is quite evident from the study of Bible prophecy that Israel was destined to, once again, become a nation prior to the return of the Messiah.  Fifty-eight years ago (again as this article was originally written), on May 15, 1948, for the first time after 2 millennia, Israel became a nation.  Many of you old-timers lived also to see the fulfillment of this amazing prophecy.  However, as we all know, the City of Jerusalem was partitioned and only a part of it was possessed by the nation of Israel.  However, Jesus prophesied Gentile domination of Jerusalem until the times of the Gentiles were fulfilled.  This fulfillment, from every indication, took place in the month of June 1967.

If Israel as a nation has had such quick and unexpected success, then think how near the Rapture of the Church must be.  There are a number of Bible students who tell us of the rebuilding of the temple and the fact that Israel as a nation will flourish immensely prior to the return of the Messiah, which will take place after the great tribulation.  Those of us who have any spiritual insight recognize the fact that the time of Jacob's trouble still lies ahead.  There will still be that hour when the Gentile nations will gather against Israel, and it will be at that time when Almighty God will intervene.  We read about this in Zechariah, chapter 14, verses 1 through 9.  Christian, get your Bible and read these first nine verses carefully, particularly noting verse 4 where the Lord's feet will touch Mount Olive.  It was from Mount Olive that Jesus returned to heaven, and it will be, once again, at Mount Olive that His feet will touch the mountain.  This, of course, speaks of His revelation.

Now, if conditions throughout the world are setting the stage for antichrist and the revelation of our Lord, then, Christian, just think how very near His coming for the Church must be.  We have pointed out many times why we believe that the Church will be raptured prior to the antichrist and prior to Jacob's trouble, which is known in Scripture as the Great Tribulation.

Zechariah 14:1-9 again clearly points out the fact that, when the Lord returns, His saints will return with Him.  Verse 5 says, "And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal:  yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah:  and the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with thee." Here again, it is evident that, if the saints are to come with their Lord at His revelation, then, of necessity they had to be snatched away at the Rapture.

So, my friend, are you ready if the Rapture should take place today? Any day, any hour, any week or month, He will appear suddenly, unexpectedly, the Lord will return for His own.  This incident shows the Church meeting our Lord in the air.  The incident in Zechariah, as well as many other New Testament passages of Scripture, speak of the bodily, visible return of our Lord to rule and to reign.

In the light of current events, it would be well for every born-again child of God to be on his spiritual tiptoes for it cannot be too long before we are snatched away and stand in the presence of the Bridegroom.

Oh, Christian, in these thrilling days, in these amazing days, in these days immediately prior to the Rapture, what are you doing for  the glory of the Lord? How are you spending your time, talents, and using your possessions? Remember, and remember well that, when the church is raptured, the first act will be the judgment seat of Christ.  Here the believer will stand to give an account of the deeds done in his body.  The question of eternal salvation will not be discussed for that is a free gift of God's grace, but the judgment of the believer will center around his works since the impartation of salvation.  You and I are responsible as Christian stewards to our Lord.  Are we faithful stewards? I trust that, by the grace of God, you will permit your every talent to be used in the light of eternity.

And there you have Dr. Montanus's article, probably written near the end of his life.  Some of you may take issue with his doctrinal statements, as he was, I think, Southern Baptist.  However I presented this article not as one for contention hopefully, but for edification purposes only.  I hope that, if you disagree, that it won't be with me, as I just gave you what he wrote originally.

And now may the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob just keep us safe, individually and collectively, throughout these last days in which we live.  Your Christian friend and brother, Paul

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