[Faith-talk] Good Night Message for Monday, March 25, 2013

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 03:38:58 UTC 2013

Well, here in the eastern part of North America this day is winding down, whereas you in other time zones to the west of here have a little ways to go.  On the other hand you in other parts of the world are in your Tuesdays, as this is being written.  I hope and pray that, by God's matchless grace and His providential care, that your day is going well or went well.

The article for today is by an unnamed author, but he/she wrote for a publication called "Have A Nice Day." The article in question is entitled "Missing the Point," rendered as follows:

On December 17, 1903 Katherine Wright received a telegram from her brothers, Orville and Wilbur.  It read:  "We have actually flown 120 feet.  Will be home for Christmas."

The news was astounding.  Man had literally taken to the air at last, and the long-denied dream had finally become a reality.  Katherine could hardly contain her joy and immediately sought to share her excitement with others.

She took the telegram and ran to the local newspaper office.  She was certain that the editor would be grateful for this astonishing news bulletin.  Leaning back in his chair, he read the message quietly.  Then, turning to Katherine, he smiled and said, "How nice for you to have your brothers home for Christmas."

And that was all he said.

Didn't he believe the first part of the telegram? Didn't he catch the significance of these words? Here was one of the biggest news scoops in the century, and he had missed it entirely.  The truth had slipped through his fingers.

But that news editor is not alone.  The biggest and the best news story in all of human history is that God offers eternal life to anyone who will receive it.  God holds out the promise of an eternal home in heaven to anyone who will meet the conditions.  This amazing offer is actually in the hands of every living soul, yet countless thousands do not see the wonderful significance of the message.  It is easy for them to look only at the superficial, temporal aspects and miss the very point that is most important.

Droves of people pass over the big news of Christ' love and mercy.  Thousands correctly see Him as a fine example, a mighty prophet, and a great teacher.  They might even acknowledge Jesus as the one who outstrips all others in compassion, wisdom and power.  But is that all? Isn't He more than all that?

The Bible says that "There is no salvation in NO ONE Else! There is NO OTHER NAME in all of heaven for people to call on to save them." (Acts 4:12).  It is possible to know this and yet allow this good news to slip through our fingers.

Jesus Christ died for our sins on the cross so that we might have eternal life.  He guards His people constantly with His angels, and He gives the Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen us.  Has anyone ever heard any better word? What a person does with this news is crucial.

The apostle Paul said:  "I know very well how foolish the message of the cross sounds to those who are on the road to destruction.  But we who are being saved recognize this message as the very power of God." (1 Corinthians 1:18).

Hearing God's promise is one thing.  Claiming it is infinitely better.  Will you take that vital second step?

And there you have it for today.  Elementary, I know, but perhaps you have unsaved friends or family members who need to hear and read this message.  Please pass it onto them.

And now may the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob just keep us safe, individually and collectively, throughout this night or day and especially in these last days in which we live.  Your Christian friend and brother, Paul

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