[Faith-talk] Is His last command your first concern?

Linda Mentink mentink at frontiernet.net
Sat May 11 03:28:19 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I'm sending this because it might help to answer 
some questions which have been raised here.



	Making Christ's Last Command Our First Concern
By Proclaiming the Gospel

There are few things that should be more exciting to Christians than
being used by God to draw others to Himself. Those who know and love
their Savior will not be content to attend church and hear the Word
preached; they will have a compelling desire to share it with others.
Everything we learn from God's Word should make us more committed to
making Christ's last command our first concern.

  There are many in our churches who have little or no compassion for
those on the broad road to destruction. Part of their lack of concern
may be that they do not grasp the reality of hell which awaits those
who die without Christ. Hell is a place of torment where unforgiven
sinners consciously experience pain and thirst from a burning fire.
The horror and hopelessness is so great they want to warn their loved
ones on earth. Their eternal state of punishment is irreversible,
there is no second chance and no escape. (Luke 16:19-31). Some would
ask, "How can a loving God send anyone to hell?" They should be
asking, "How can a holy God allow sinners into heaven?" Since God did
not spare His own Son, He will surely not spare those who reject
Christ and His offer of forgiveness (Isa. 53:5). On judgment day,
Christ-rejecter­s “will pay the penalty of eternal destruction” for
their sins (2 Thes. 1:9).

  The Lord Jesus came to seek and to save the lost and then passed the
mission on to His Church (Luke 19:10). He has commissioned every
believer to go and make disciples teaching them to observe all that He
has commanded (Mat. 28:19-20). The more Christians love their Savior.
the more faithful they will be to the great commission and the more
glory Jesus will receive! There is no higher privilege that being an
ambassador for the King of kings. He has given us a message of
everlasting peace and joy to share with those who are lost in sin. Is
His last command your first concern?

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