[Faith-talk] Daily Thought for Friday, April 4, 2014

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 4 19:15:09 UTC 2014

Well, another Friday is upon us, at least for the majority of my readers, whereas you in Australia and New Zealand are in your Saturday, a day which traditionally is taken up with sport, whether that be rugby, football (soccer to us in North America) or cricket.  All I can say is, if you are fans of either of these three sports, if your hometown team is playing, may they win their games, if that be the Lord's will.

And speaking of that, we have an article written by the late Dr. Ralph Montanus on this very subject entitled "God's Will for You," rendered as follows:

What is God's will for you? How may you know it? These are two very important questions.  God has expressed His will concerning those who belong to Him.  His will is threefold.  We read of it in I Thessalonians 5:16-18, "Rejoice evermore.  Pray without ceasing.  In everything give thanks:  for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."  Notice the expression, THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS CONCERNING YOU.  If you are a child of God, these words are applicable to you.


God wants you to be a rejoicing Christian.  This is His will.  Nowhere do we find that we are to go around with the long face.  Listen to the apostle Paul, in Philippians 4:4, "Rejoice in the Lord always:  and again I say, Rejoice."

David said, "Thy praises shall be continually in my mouth." The book of Psalms is full of rejoicing.  The words, "rejoice, rejoice," are used again and again.  The Christian who is living in the center of God's will for his life will manifest it by joy.  Praise will evidence his walk with God.  A rejoicing spirit will permeate the atmosphere wherever he goes.  He does reflect the joy of the Lord because he is living in accordance with the law of God.  Oh, Christian, if you are not rejoicing, then you are not living in the will of God.


This is not an idle statement, nor is it a catch phrase.  It is not simply to be a motto or maxim, but a reality.  "Pray without ceasing" is a command.  God expects it, and demands it from those of His children who would live in the center of His will.  To pray without ceasing does not mean that a person is to be on his knees all day long.  Our Lord was active--very active; yet always in the attitude of prayer.  Prayer is a life, according to the New Testament.  Though you cannot be on your knees at all times, your heart may be on its knees at all times.  Living in the attitude of prayer means practicing the presence of God.  "Pray without ceasing" is another way of saying, "Walk in the Spirit." It means to acknowledge the Lord in your ways.  Much of our failure is due to lack of such acknowledgment.  We make our own plans, carry out our own purposes, and endeavor to serve God in our own way.  How frustrating, vain and foolish this is! Such a life governed and controlled by self leads to fruitlessness in the work of God.  We cannot formulate our own plans, and then expect God to bless them.  It is our business to remember that we have been bought with a price, and that we are not our own.  We must look to God for Divine leadership.  We are bidden, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine OWN understanding.  In ALL thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths" (Proverbs 3:5, 6).  If we acknowledge God in some of our ways, He will direct in most of our paths; but, if we acknowledge God in all of our ways, then He promises to direct in all of our paths.


Unthankfulness is one of the signs of apostasy given in II Timothy 3:2.  Notice that it is listed among the vilest of sins.  God is opposed to grumbling, murmuring and complaining because they all speak of unthankfulness.  It is this kind of attitude that makes for sadness, sickness, and despondency.  The unthankful person cannot be happy, and in most cases, neither can he be healthy.  Unthankfulness and hatred are related.  Today, medical science is beginning to learn that hatred produces many harmful symptoms.  Among these, we find arthritis, high blood pressure and ulcers.  There is something poisonous produced by the spirit of revenge.  A thankful person is a happy person and apt to be a healthy person.

God delights in those of His children who know to say, "Thank you." When have you last thanked the Lord for your many blessings? When have you thanked your wife for her numerous kindnesses? When have you thanked your husband for his untiring toil and faithful support? How often we hear complaints, mixed with nagging and angry exchange of words; but how little--how very little--do we hear the two cheerful words, "Thank you" mentioned.  How little appreciation, and how much dissatisfaction! How little thankfulness, and how much grumbling!

What a better world this would be if only God's people would walk in the center of His will where the radiant smile of a thankful heart is seen.  Then, words of gratitude and appreciation would be heard from the lips of surrendered Christians.  The dedicated believer would evidence the fact of his walk by the spirit of thanksgiving whelming up in his heart, and expressing itself through his mouth.  To be filled with the Spirit of God is to be filled with thankfulness unto the Lord and to our fellow believers.

And there you have Dr. Montanus' article.  Although written over 27 years ago, it is the undersigned's opinion that the spirit and attitude of unthankfulness has escalated greatly since he wrote this article.  I hope and pray that it gave you spiritual food for thought.

Before I close, I'd like to suggest two books that you might like to read if you aren't certain of God's will in your life or even of the direction that He wants you to go.  The first one was written by Charles Swindoll entitled "The Mystery of God's Will:  What's In It for Me?" and the other one is by the late Donald Grey Barnhouse entitled "Knowing God's Will For Your Life." I have the first one and can highly attest to its validity and, judging from other books that Pastor Barnhouse wrote over his earthly years, it is equally valid.  For those of you who are sighted and don't have either book but would like to get a copy thereof, you might try http://www.christianbooks.com.  For my fellow blind, if it is still available on tape, you might try Care Ministries International.  In the United States and possibly Canada, you can reach them at 1-800-336-2232.  Some of you, even though a surrendered-life Christian, might still be asking the Lord for His will for you.  In any case, if you get these books, I hope they will prove to be a blessing for you.

And now may the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob just keep us safe, individually and collectively, in these last days in which we live.  Lord willing, tomorrow there will be another Daily Thought message for you.  Your Christian friend and brother, Paul

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