[Faith-talk] The Jurry is still out

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Wed Apr 16 00:41:11 UTC 2014

Just saying something is off topic doesn't give you permission to post it.

David Andrews, List Owner

At 07:55 PM 4/12/2014, Rob Kaiser wrote:
>To all of you I am sending this to on the blind 
>listserves, my sincere apologies. I know this is 
>off list, but I feel you need to read this. As 
>many of you know, I have been having problems 
>with my internet since this past Sunday 
>(04/06/2014) with the internet going up and down 
>like a yoyo. Today, finally, two techs (one of 
>them a supervisor) came out and spent over two 
>hours trying to fid the problem. this was the 
>seventh time Charter Cable has been out here 
>this week to try to fix the problem. I am 
>hopeing thi problem is finally fixed, but I need 
>to make a suggestion to all of you: In the 24 
>years I have had cable service, I have never had 
>a problem where I have had to call a cable 
>company seven to eight times inone week to get a 
>problem solved. I will see if the internet stays 
>up, but I have to suggest that you be careful 
>with Charter Cable if you are using it. I have 
>gone further by contacting my Congress Man (Paul 
>Cook) his office and left a message for someone 
>to call me back. I feel and I would hope others 
>would feel the same, that this needs to go 
>congressional. Even the tech supervisor (nice as 
>he was)didn’t seem like he knew hwat he was 
>doing. As my subject said, the jury is still 
>out. More on this later. Thank you for reading 
>this. _______________________________________________

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