[Faith-talk] a PS about the Harry Potter phenomenon

qubit lauraeaves at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 30 09:35:43 UTC 2014

Hi all, before I stop writing for the night, I wanted to just say as a 
followup to the thread a few days ago where I gave a brief overview of the 
whole harry potter 7-book story.  I said something about the story, even 
with the witchcraft and wizardry, actually having a weird resemblance to the 
story of Jesus.
I wanted to amend that statement to say that I think JK Rowling definitely 
wove some threads of Christianity into her story, but I know that in several 
important ways, it was not the same.
The reason I thought of it again is that there was a Harry Potter movie 
marathon on all last weekend, and I watched several of the movies to see 
what they did with the story.
The movies are well done.
I don't know about "filling one's head" with that type of stories is a good 
thing, but hey, when I was little, we used to see movies and tv shows with 
witches and magic all the time, and I think that's part of being a child.
Also, the kids in the story are such normal, good kids, and their 
experiences reflect the types of things children run into in real life, and 
learn valuable life lessons.
I suppose such a creative and well written story couldn't help but become a 
worldwide phenomenon.
I still can't see why some people want to ban it.
If children are taught what is make-believe and what is not, a little make 
believe is a good thing.
But there is a time and place for everything.
The world is crazy.
Take care.

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