[Faith-talk] Refutation and preeminent repudiation to theZionistsubjection.

Ashley Bramlett bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Fri Jul 18 18:49:59 UTC 2014


Mastafa has been on this list and can do so till moderators feel otherwise.
Like others, I take offense of the tone of your message. I suggest just 
skipping his posts if you don't want to read it or block him from your 

It’s a list for faith and how it impacts blindness. Its for any faith 
although mainly christians subscribe.
Personally, I won't respond to most of his posts as they do not make sense 
to me.
I  feel most of his posts also criticize our faith which is offensive but 
its on topic because its faith based.

This latest post IMO deals with politics more though. The best way to  stop 
a discussion or lister from posting is simply not to respond and move on.

With that said, I'll post a few questions. I'd like to hear more about your 
experience living the Christian faith and if blindness impacted it.
I'll write a thread on that later.

For me, I can say it certainly does. I have to go to the church my dad 
attends because of transportation. I'd like to try out new churches to find 
one with young adults or a good sunday school class of mixed ages. but have 
not found that yet. I mostly study and reflect on my own
I also enjoy the Bible interpretations through radio sermons.
They often have a series of a certain book or topic of the bible which helps 
stay focussed and learn more deeply about it.

I know even if I could drive anywhere, there's few options for young adult 
christian circles. There seems to be this age gap. You either are a youth or 
mid aged adult going to church. Young people do not attend church often. I 
even read about this gap in religion class I took.
My brothers who are a bit older than me left the church after growing up. I 
think they still losely believe in God, but do not partake in religion much.
I hope they come back to the church soon though especially since they have 
one kid each and I want my niece and nephew to be raised in a Christian 

Anyway, I do what I can with what I have.

So, lets go forward and be civil to one another. IMO, it does no good to 
defame a lister when ignoring him will simply let the controversy die down.

-----Original Message----- 
From: RJ Sandefur via Faith-talk
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2014 11:17 AM
To: Mostafa ; Faith-talk,for the discussion of faith and religion
Subject: Re: [Faith-talk] Refutation and preeminent repudiation to 

This is not the place for this crap! How menny times must we tell you? This
is a list for the national federation of the blind! If you do not have
anything blindness related to contribute, then unsubscribe from this list!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mostafa via Faith-talk" <faith-talk at nfbnet.org>
To: <oilofgladness47 at gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 2:37 PM
Subject: [Faith-talk] Refutation and preeminent repudiation to the

> Greetings.
> It was immediately after my post that I have got ranging responses, from 
> considering my scrutiny irrelevant to inconsistently comparing sacred 
> translations with the constant transmission of terrestrial disciplines 
> such as Astronomy, Ecology, Mathematics, and other related scientific 
> branches.
> The one who incorrectly posed this inconsistent analogy should have known 
> that physical science is the study of the physical and natural world using 
> theoretical models and data from experiments or observation.
> But sacred text is not based on that.
> Sacred text is based on divine legitimacy and reliability.
> Furthermore, physical science is temporal, and it constantly evolves as 
> new discovery and scientific developments unfold.
> Whilst in addition, sacred text is unaltered, it is not edited, motified, 
> nor even recontextualized.
>   I reserve the right to criticize any form of belief, as long as I am 
> devoting my arguments to enlightening propositions, and that does not mean 
> I am doubtful of my faith, it is basically preposterous for someone to 
> think so.
> Well, someone is certainly pitiful enough to delude himself with such 
> miserably absurd illusions.
>           Now, we are back again to verbally defy the plain obstinacy of 
> guarding aggression and transgression.
> The Constitution of the United States is the most honorable constitution 
> in the world.
> It strictly prohibits ethnic cleansing, mass murder, suppression, 
> subjection and military strikes on civil targets.
> I am not flattering Americans though, I am basically uttering the truth.
> I distinctly honor and respect the humanrights principles which the U.S 
> Constitution strongly affirms and it is based on that.
> The U.S constitution recognizes people equal before the supreme law, and 
> it does not opt anyone on either racial, ethnic or religious superiority 
> complex.
>   Well unfortunately, there are some minors who considers themselves crème 
> de la crème, they consider themselves eminent, even beyond the 
> constitutional principles, and they think that an insect in New York is 
> worthful than a human being in Gaza.
> Those who devote themselves to such abominable attitude are not humans, 
> although they look like humans, but they think and act like devilish 
> species.
> They viciously belong to  mephistophelean species because of their radical 
> arrogance and cruelty.
> I emphasize again as I have done many times before, Original sin in Islam 
> is not reprobating Adam and Eve for eating from the forbidden tree, it is 
> rather acting in pride and arrogance.
> This is the resentment  of Lucifer who is the chief adversary  of 
> cynicism.
> He is demonized to eternal damnation because of his radical arrogance and 
> bigotry.
>   Pro Israel supporters and their allies consider themselves the highest 
> of high, the chosen people, the children of God, and therefore, anyone who 
> opposes them is not a human, and he is worth it for a shoot.
> We will never bow down to their oppressive authority, defiance should 
> persist, and we ultimately shall prevail.
> I will make sure to pass my defying sentiment to a broader scale, so we 
> will uninterruptedly pressure on Israel and its pro allies on 
> international scope, until we force them to decease using the force to bow 
> Palestinians down.
> As President Anwar el-Sadat said;
> “What was taken by force is never regained by rather than force”.
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