[Faith-talk] Oneness Pentecostal Debate, a concise overview.

Mostafa mostafa.almahdy at gmail.com
Wed May 7 21:14:24 UTC 2014

   Dear all, peace be with you.

Today I am going to initiate my philosophical discussion on the subject of the Oneness Pentecostal Debate.

There is a vast argument amongst Christian apologists about the subject of Unitarianism versus Trinitarianism.   

Each denomination claims the truth for itself and it considers the other side a heretic.

Of course, for most Christians today, the Trinitarian party has got the upper hand because of a longly established historical influence.

Most Christians today are going to disagree with me but, they are predominantly influenced by  distorted facts.

There are numerous incidents in history which Christians today do not recognize.

I am not attempting to denounce anyone though.

I am just escalating your attention to the decisive fact of the doctrinal conflict within various denominations in the world of Christendom.

I am not attempting to determine which one is truthful and which one is otherwise.

I am just reporting a theological situation.

I always wanted to hear the perspective of each side.

Therefore, I searched Youtube and I ultimately found what I entitled my message with, Oneness Pentecostal Debate.

I plainly was exposed to what Unitarians and Trinitarians had to affirm.

I am personally convinced that the Trinitarian doctrine was forcefully imposed by the papistic authority.

I am aware of multiple historical authenticities which somehow attests to my argumentative case.

I cannot dive into critical details here but, I am fully prepared to provide my documended sources along with their thoroughly established evidence if someone is interested.

It is indeed a quite significant challenge to question what you were brought up to believe in.

At the same time, it is a good idea to constantly examine the harmony of what you believe with the rational standpoint.

I unhesitatingly have done so with my Islamic faith.

I am convinced of Islam out of traditional and rational factors simultaneously.

  For me, Islam is established on  theological and intellectual basis at the same time.

They both share a crucial significance.

I am intrigued to discuss the subject a bit further with appointed Reverent's.

I am open-minded for that type of discussions, and I am enthusiastic to mutually interact.

You can either write me individually, or you can ask for a Skype arrangement to be scheduled.

I appreciate you reading my tedious posts.

In the meantime, and until I  render another edition, stay blessedly in the grace of God.

Peace be with you.



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