[Faith-talk] Questioning Our Beliefs

Linda Mentink via Faith-talk faith-talk at nfbnet.org
Thu May 15 20:35:12 UTC 2014

At 03:32 PM 5/15/2014, you wrote:
>It can only be true if there is an "I" to which these labels can be 
>applied. There is certainly an apparent body for which these things 
>seem to be true, but the actual reality of what "I" am is none of 
>this, and all of this, and all other things. If there is an I that 
>appears to be, then I back up and say, who am I? Who is this I that 
>perceives through this body? And then I notice that there is an 
>awareness behind the I, a witness, an observer that only witnesses. 
>Then I notice that this awareness contains all the content of 
>consciousness, and this I is only another thought among many, and I 
>choose to stop believing in that thought, at least for the moment. 
>That awareness knows no good or evil, but encompasses it all without judgment.
>If you back up and simply observe, you will see that thoughts and 
>actions arise, but are they from "you," or are they universal? If 
>you do this, you will find that they simply arise. You have the 
>thought, "I think I will check my email." But from where did this 
>thought arise? Did you create it? If you watch, you will see it 
>simply came, then immediately it was gone.
>It's when the mind decides that certain things should be so, that we 
>get stuck in this cycle. We create our own personal hell because we 
>resist what is. But hell only lasts as long as you choose to be 
>there. The torture is all self-inflicted.

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