[Faith-talk] Conversing with Atheism, part2. The universe and its design.

Mostafa via Faith-talk faith-talk at nfbnet.org
Sun May 25 19:50:25 UTC 2014

Dear all, peace be with you.

Today I would like to inshallah proceed on discussing the subject of Atheism.

Atheism and Agnosticism are global phenomenons nowadays.

I will just briefly define Atheism and Agnosticism for quick revision. 

Atheism is the doctrine of declining the divinity.

Agnosticism is the theory of indecisiveness  about the divinity.

Last time, I generally talked about the reasons or the motivating factors which availed the concept of godlessness to broadly disseminate  and escalate.

Today I would like to inshallah discuss the first reason which I concisely outlined in my previous post.

The defficiency of enlightened religiousness.

What does it mean when we say enlightened religiousness?

It basicly means the religiousness that is based on intellectual edification and sophisticated development.

Well um, I still do not get it.

  Can you clarify a bit further?

Well basicly, it is the religiousness which encourages critical thinking, it calls for philosophical dialogs, and it implements by providing tangible and significant evidence.

It is the religiousness which is based on public scrutiny and mutual discourse.

The Protestant Church appeals to western people more than the Catholic because it leans towards treating human beings as human beings.

The reason why the Catholic Church is enormously defied in the west now, is that it divinely exalts and elevates human beings, such as the Pope, the Saint, and the Priest.

  As a Sunni Muslim, I consider Shiah a  herecy because it has distorted our orthodox fundamentals.

Shia have exalted and elevated their imams and clerics to the extent of divinity, and that is a predominant blasphemy in Islam.

That is considered infidility in Islam.

Everyone knows for certain how much we love and honour prophet Muhammad, but we indeed will never  exalt or glorify him to the level of divinity.

  Tonight and according to the lunar calendar, Muslims around the world commemorate the anniversary of prophet Muhammad and his blessed night journey to Jerusalem, and then his blessed ascension to  heavens.

Nobody in the whole Muslim trend worldwide will consider that more than a great miracle happened to prophet Muhammad by the Divine Discretionary of his Lord.

However, we are quite aware of the plain denial of that incident which is immensely governed by the orientalist disposal, which popularly submits to the political element, which serves and complys to the Zionist authority.

  If Muslims claim their prophet going on a night journey to Jerusalem was recognized by us, then we apparently or implicitly acknowledge their presence in the land which was wrongfully given to Zionists by the British regime in 1917.

So let us get back to the main point.

We were discussing and stridently  criticizing the religious exaltation of human beings.

In Islam, it is strictly prohibited to exalt any human, let alone any creature to the level of divinity.

  You may look for either a major or a pagan faith today that does not somehow exalt a human being or a creature to the divine status.

Islam dominantly attributes the whole dominion to the Divine Sovereign, Who is Allah glory be to Him.

Atheism declines the existence of a divine power whilst Agnosticism embraces a doubtful notion about it.

Well, my question to them would probably be,  

Is that universe perfectly designed?

Do you see any imperfection in the thoroughly honed pattern of that universe?

If your answer is no, then I may humbly ask you;

Who designed that and brought it into full being?

  Do not tell me it is the initial detonation which is hypothesized to have marked the origin of the universe.

Still sir, who caused the big bang to occur?

Was it the spontaneity?

I think that Atheism and Agnosticism are in trouble here.

They both lack the rational basis to illustrate their either abnegation or suspicion  of the divine power.

I believe we desperately demand to be engaged in a more enlightened scrutiny.

Enlightened scrutiny is essentially based on logically proposed premisses.

  Is everything that is made demands a maker?

Is everything that is designed demands a designer?

Is everything manufactured demands a manufacturer?

Everything in the industrial  complex demands a producer.

So how the universe which entirely bears us along with the sun, the moon, the stars, the sky, the ocean and its amazing creatures does not demand a producer.

I feel ecstatic when someone disagrees with me on a rational sense.

So the rational sense basicly attests;

How come everything in this universe which is less perfected than the universe itself demands a producer whilst the universe itself with its substantial illustriousness does not demand a producer.

It just came out of  spontaneous explosion.

Does that make sense?

    I think it does not make sense because if this universe comprises everything that is designed but the universe  itself is not designed, that would really be quite absurd, ridiculous and radically ediotic.

I am striving to rationally fascilitate an intriguing scrutiny on that regard.

I want to just emphasize again, you ought to set the Darwinian theory quite aside, if you really want to talk about the creation of the universe.

The Darwinian theory is meant for proving the organic evolution of this universe, and it is heavily irrelevant to compare that with the commencement of the universe.

Well, I think that is enough for now.

That is what I have got for the time being.

I look forward to receiving your feedback regarding the context of my essays.

In the meantime, and until I inshallah render another essay, stay blessedly in the grace of Allah glory be to Him.

You ought to love in order to be loved, peace be with you.

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