[Faith-talk] faith to get a job

Debby Phillips semisweetdebby at gmail.com
Tue Nov 25 20:31:51 UTC 2014

Hi Andrew, well, there are several ways I could answer your 
question, so let me throw a few things out there and perhaps 
others will chime in.

First of all, I'm not sure that it shows a lack of faith if 
someone is unemployed.  A lack of faith is giving up.  Yes, 
people do give up looking for jobs.  And that may be what they 
need to do, but that doesn't mean that that should be an excuse 
to sit around and do nothing.  There are lots of volunteer 
opportunities out there.  Find something to do as a volunteer and 
serve the Lord that way.

Every day God puts things in our path to do.  Sometimes it's as 
simple as sending a letter or email to someone you know is having 
trouble and offering to pray for them, and then doing it.  
Sometimes it's bigger stuff.

Why don't more of us have jobs? Well, there are several reasons I 
think.  One of them is that people still have all the same old 
misconceptions about blindness they always have had.  But another 
thing that is happening is that technology is changing so rapidly 
now that as soon as we find a fix for something technology 
changes again, and we have to find another fix.  This happens to 
sighted folks also.  A guy works in a field for thirty years, and 
then some new way of doing that job comes along and boom, there's 
a gun out of work.  It happens all the time.

So what can we do? We pray every day that God will show us just 
what we are to do that day.  We do what we are asked to do out of 
obedience to God whom we love.  Or whatever it is we believe in.  
We get the best training we can, we do the best we can do within 
our circumstances.  And never think that a job is beneath you.  
Some people have started out in the lowliest positions within a 
company and now they OWN the company.  And where there's a will, 
there's a way.  If, at the end of the day, you have done your 
very best, then that's all that God asks of us.    Blessings,    
Debby and Neena

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