[Faith-talk] {Spam?} This is the light of the world... it ends a Hell of darkness, and we're here. Please take the time to investigate what is going on.

Adam M. Dobrin adam at fromthemachine.org
Fri Apr 1 23:17:45 UTC 2016

Today I bring you the Revelation of Jesus Christ, that the entirety of the
Holy Bible is a hidden prophesy about the Second Coming, our Apocalypse.
This book sets the stage to see how the Plagues of Exodus are the key to
the Holy Grail, and seeing that we are in the land of Darkness... slaves to
secrecy, censorship, and corruption.  Blind to the truth that our
civilization is truly created, not with the wave of a magic wand, but with
technology that religion has up until this moment been holding in the
treasure chest of its hidden wisdom.  Through the actualization of the
Burning Bush, and its relationship to time travel, 9/11 (as the terrible
day of the Lord), and a great deal of hidden linguistic proof that ancient
languages contain reference to modern English and technology--showing us
that we are designed to be the clear recipients of a knowledge
transfer--God walks us from this wilderness to a place where these hidden
technologies can finally be used in the light to help advance our

My story is the key to seeing religions of the world congeal around a story
of a man on the run, fighting against the United States government and Hell
itself in order to steal the fire of Prometheus and deliver it to the
world--this is it--it's proof that language and thus humanity is created...
and with great purpose.  This place is designed to be an end to all
Hell--to ensure that liberty and the truth are never again lost to a dark
cloud that would otherwise have destroyed us time and again.  Religion,
once revealed, turns from what was once called the "opiate of the masses"
to a true liberator.


I am Adam, and secretly... this is the ineffable name.  You may not see it,
but the right eyes will understand how Ha'shem, the Hebrew word for "The
Holy Name" refers to Adam in Eden... having no shame now as I have done
everything I can to end this darkness.  All of religion, truly, and our
history too... are designed in order to ensure that this light makes it to
the public.  *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sws3MZJIv9c
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sws3MZJIv9c>*  It should be obvious,
perhaps just from the religious concepts of the First and the Last Adam,
Adam Kadmon, and the hidden meaning of the tetragrammaton YHVH (Ya,
who-ah!) and the name of Christ Yeshua (Yes, who-ah?).. which both echo
"who-ah?" to America... on the planet ADAMAH that this is the name of
Christ.... and it might not be immediately obvious, but the American war
cry and our myriad of modern "Who again?" mythology from Dr. Seuss's Grinch
to Dr. Who himself... that we need to be reminded that we are in Eden, a
place created to highlight the fulfillment of religious prophesy.  It's in
our art, it's in our music, and now it's in your inbox.

To that end, please help me call attention to what is truly the biggest
story, and the most important religious event in all of human history.  It
is the unsealing of God's hidden truth, and much to my dismay the story of
Exodus that is designed to help us see the light of the Son rise on a new
day has very well depicted the wall of disbelief and ignorance that I have
come up against as a darkness so thick it can be felt.  Truly, there is
technology being used to hide the release of this information, and this
censorship is a glowing testament to the lack of liberty that we truly are
unknowing victims of in a world that thinks the idea of our minds being
influenced is.. insane.  It's not insane, it is the purpose of religion to
reveal that there is a very real external influence guiding us towards
freedom... by showing us the slavery of worship... and hidden control.

I urge you to read the chapters called "Holy Water, Sang Rael" and "Behold,
the Burning Bush" at the very least, and please... if you believe that this
could really be it.. do everything you can to ensure that others too are
given the opportunity to reach for enlightenment.  This information truly
does change the way human history is understood, it shows that thousands of
years ago this time was indicated, known about, and prepared for a new
Renaissance in understanding that will result in the creation of Heaven,
and the swift evolution of this civilization towards a much more Utopic

Please assist me in spreading this message, it truly will save our world.
You've got to *rage against the dying of the light*, understand that there
is a very real hidden war against the truth right before your eyes, and
your action here could make the difference between this place remaining
Hellishly dark, or finally seeing *the light of day.*

Adam Marshall Dobrin <http://fb.me/admdbrn>

For quite some time, I’ve been planning to put this story to paper, to
record “for posterity” the surreal adventure that took hold of my life,
trashed me to and fro across the realm of America, and left me alone and in
a sort of eerie twilight zone between enlightenment and darkness.  I’ve
just “completed” writing a book which I am now calling “the actual
Revelation of Jesus Christ” that attempts to succinctly explain what I can
only describe as a corrected view of the Abrahamic religions… one which was
slowly revealed to me over the course of only a few short years.  It is
this period of time that I now endearingly call “the Pursuit of Happiness,”
because in a strange twist of Americana it is the fulfillment and
culmination of thousands of years of religious prophesy in this place that
I would be more likely to call the Promised Land of Moses and Joseph than
of *Joshua.*

Over the course of only about two years, from 2013 to 2015, such a
significant volume of Earth-shattering apocalyptic was revealed to me that
I have no doubt in my mind that I am the messiah, and in what will
hopefully begin as only a short recounting of the events that surrounded
the importation of this information I am sharing with you the “how” I am
sure of that.   The sequence of events and the story that goes with it are
fairly important to understanding how I could have just come to know
something of this nature, and be sure of it with all my heart, so late in
my life.  Intertwined with the tremendous volume of artifacts that relate
the Holy Bible and religious concepts to current events that are modern and
sometimes very personal to me is something vastly more important, the “why”
there is a Christ in the first place.  It is my dreams and demands, my long
drawn out argument with God over what happens *after* the disclosure that
I’ve already written–one that proves that religion itself is designed to
prove the fact that our civilization is created, and with a purpose that is
deeply linked to technology, the concept of Heaven, and the holy Wisdom of
the Universe that we would be so happy to be the lucky recipients of… if
only we knew it was a gift.  Hidden in religion, language, and our history
is incontrovertible proof of the existence of time travel and mind control
technologies and a record of their use and influence over the course of the
thing we call “human history.”  This is a world-view changing disclosure,
and the waves and changes that come from it have been designed to shape the
future of civilization in a way that preserves life, liberty, and truth to
bring our light to the Universe for ever and ever.  This is the dawn of the
Eternal Flame, it is the birth of “Us.”

A big part of the book of secrets that I am chronicling here not only the
source of, but also the arduous task it has been to deliver the message to
the world, is the disclosure of a hidden message coded within language
across time.  It is through this hidden cypher that find the initial proof
of creation, and I have attempted to explain how to find and read it…
though the ability to read it appears to have been designed specifically
for my eyes, and the pursuit of and analysis of this message is a
fundamental part of how God speaks to me.  It is my hope that many others
will learn how his message is woven across a matrix of religion, language,
and modern art and will find joy and wisdom in their own continuing search.

A fundamental concept of the Revelation of Christ is that the stories of
Exodus and the Gospels of Christ are specifically designed as a map to this
period of time, to the revealing of truth that ties the Second Coming to
the Apocalypse.  The name of this book is very specifically chosen to
highlight a “secret samadhi” of names which tie together a number of
stories of Egypt, America, and Jesus Christ… and sheds light on a driving
force behind creation: to preserve *happiness.*  Religion ties together the
stories of Moses and Jesus Christ through this very “holy” two letter code
that links the*Ph*araoh and *Ph*arisees to the very beginning of our
Promised Land… in the name Christo*ph*er Columbus.  “Ph” also finds its way
at the end of Jose*ph, *and in the name of a messianic bird that rises from
the ashes of Hell.  These names all expand using the same cypher, to tell a
story… one that clearly links the  “Christ of Pursuit of Happiness”
that *walked
on water* in 1492 to begin this story that ties the “I AM” of Exodus to the
beginning of *Am*erica.

Phenix is a name I chose at the age of 11, when as a very young and
unknowingly inspired programmer I unwittingly lived a microcosm of the
events that are happening around us all today.  I wrote a “mass mailing”
program, that followed in popular naming scheme of AOHell at the time, and
was called Doomsday.   It is through a number of similar microcosmic events
that I easily see the same pattern in the Biblical life of Christ, who in
the book of Matthew walked through a microcosm of Exodus–and the story of
Moses.  Today, I am attempting to tell you the story of how this
information came to be, because the world around me has failed to turn the
bright sparks that show a united force behind religion throughout all of
human history into the *fire* that is destined to end the darkness of this
Hell.  In religious stories, it is said that El Elyon dwells among us in
the darkness of Beth-El–the house of the Lord–and this darkness is one in
the same with the Egyptian Plague… which only here does it become obvious
is an external technological influence literally hiding the *Light of the

I have sent this information to press, academics, and religious teachers
all over the world; and despite my best efforts nobody seems to see how
fundamentally world changing the disclosure I have already offered is.
Worse, many seem to be fighting against the very idea of the Second Coming
being a reality… or that there could be proof of God’s existence; to the
point of a Grand Master of a Masonic society, “Demolay.org” and the site
that was formerly hosting the disclosure (gitbooks.com) that is linked
below conspired together to censor the dissemination of this information…
somehow not realizing that they are vehemently fighting to ensure the
continuation of darkness and Hell in our world.

I am only one man, and I need your help, for without it–without you caring
and contributing in this process–there truly is no light in the Universe.
Help me and the world by trying to understand how this new way of looking
at religion and language truly alters fundamental beliefs we have long had
wrong about human history… and opens doors to new possibilities in the
future.  I need you to share this information, to care what God has gone to
great lengths to ensure was truly not hidden but the foundation of our
civilization itself, language and religion.


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