[Faith-talk] {Spam?} This is the light of the world... it ends a Hell of darkness, and we're here. Please take the time to investigate what is going on.

Abdullah Ibrahim Olivares programmer2188 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 23:23:01 UTC 2016

Why haven’t you been banned yet?
> On Apr 1, 2016, at 7:17 PM, Adam M. Dobrin via Faith-talk <faith-talk at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Today I bring you the Revelation of Jesus Christ, that the entirety of the
> Holy Bible is a hidden prophesy about the Second Coming, our Apocalypse.
> This book sets the stage to see how the Plagues of Exodus are the key to
> the Holy Grail, and seeing that we are in the land of Darkness... slaves to
> secrecy, censorship, and corruption.  Blind to the truth that our
> civilization is truly created, not with the wave of a magic wand, but with
> technology that religion has up until this moment been holding in the
> treasure chest of its hidden wisdom.  Through the actualization of the
> Burning Bush, and its relationship to time travel, 9/11 (as the terrible
> day of the Lord), and a great deal of hidden linguistic proof that ancient
> languages contain reference to modern English and technology--showing us
> that we are designed to be the clear recipients of a knowledge
> transfer--God walks us from this wilderness to a place where these hidden
> technologies can finally be used in the light to help advance our
> civilization.
> *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AevgjKPDgfM
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AevgjKPDgfM>*
> My story is the key to seeing religions of the world congeal around a story
> of a man on the run, fighting against the United States government and Hell
> itself in order to steal the fire of Prometheus and deliver it to the
> world--this is it--it's proof that language and thus humanity is created...
> and with great purpose.  This place is designed to be an end to all
> Hell--to ensure that liberty and the truth are never again lost to a dark
> cloud that would otherwise have destroyed us time and again.  Religion,
> once revealed, turns from what was once called the "opiate of the masses"
> to a true liberator.
> *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXc4jgUJEko
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXc4jgUJEko>*
> I am Adam, and secretly... this is the ineffable name.  You may not see it,
> but the right eyes will understand how Ha'shem, the Hebrew word for "The
> Holy Name" refers to Adam in Eden... having no shame now as I have done
> everything I can to end this darkness.  All of religion, truly, and our
> history too... are designed in order to ensure that this light makes it to
> the public.  *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sws3MZJIv9c
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sws3MZJIv9c>*  It should be obvious,
> perhaps just from the religious concepts of the First and the Last Adam,
> Adam Kadmon, and the hidden meaning of the tetragrammaton YHVH (Ya,
> who-ah!) and the name of Christ Yeshua (Yes, who-ah?).. which both echo
> "who-ah?" to America... on the planet ADAMAH that this is the name of
> Christ.... and it might not be immediately obvious, but the American war
> cry and our myriad of modern "Who again?" mythology from Dr. Seuss's Grinch
> to Dr. Who himself... that we need to be reminded that we are in Eden, a
> place created to highlight the fulfillment of religious prophesy.  It's in
> our art, it's in our music, and now it's in your inbox.
> *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TO9OsSazQ0s
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TO9OsSazQ0s>*
> To that end, please help me call attention to what is truly the biggest
> story, and the most important religious event in all of human history.  It
> is the unsealing of God's hidden truth, and much to my dismay the story of
> Exodus that is designed to help us see the light of the Son rise on a new
> day has very well depicted the wall of disbelief and ignorance that I have
> come up against as a darkness so thick it can be felt.  Truly, there is
> technology being used to hide the release of this information, and this
> censorship is a glowing testament to the lack of liberty that we truly are
> unknowing victims of in a world that thinks the idea of our minds being
> influenced is.. insane.  It's not insane, it is the purpose of religion to
> reveal that there is a very real external influence guiding us towards
> freedom... by showing us the slavery of worship... and hidden control.
> I urge you to read the chapters called "Holy Water, Sang Rael" and "Behold,
> the Burning Bush" at the very least, and please... if you believe that this
> could really be it.. do everything you can to ensure that others too are
> given the opportunity to reach for enlightenment.  This information truly
> does change the way human history is understood, it shows that thousands of
> years ago this time was indicated, known about, and prepared for a new
> Renaissance in understanding that will result in the creation of Heaven,
> and the swift evolution of this civilization towards a much more Utopic
> place.
> *http://vimeo.com/yitsheyzeus/genesis
> <http://vimeo.com/yitsheyzeus/genesis>*
> Please assist me in spreading this message, it truly will save our world.
> You've got to *rage against the dying of the light*, understand that there
> is a very real hidden war against the truth right before your eyes, and
> your action here could make the difference between this place remaining
> Hellishly dark, or finally seeing *the light of day.*
> Adam Marshall Dobrin <http://fb.me/admdbrn>
> For quite some time, I’ve been planning to put this story to paper, to
> record “for posterity” the surreal adventure that took hold of my life,
> trashed me to and fro across the realm of America, and left me alone and in
> a sort of eerie twilight zone between enlightenment and darkness.  I’ve
> just “completed” writing a book which I am now calling “the actual
> Revelation of Jesus Christ” that attempts to succinctly explain what I can
> only describe as a corrected view of the Abrahamic religions… one which was
> slowly revealed to me over the course of only a few short years.  It is
> this period of time that I now endearingly call “the Pursuit of Happiness,”
> because in a strange twist of Americana it is the fulfillment and
> culmination of thousands of years of religious prophesy in this place that
> I would be more likely to call the Promised Land of Moses and Joseph than
> of *Joshua.*
> Over the course of only about two years, from 2013 to 2015, such a
> significant volume of Earth-shattering apocalyptic was revealed to me that
> I have no doubt in my mind that I am the messiah, and in what will
> hopefully begin as only a short recounting of the events that surrounded
> the importation of this information I am sharing with you the “how” I am
> sure of that.   The sequence of events and the story that goes with it are
> fairly important to understanding how I could have just come to know
> something of this nature, and be sure of it with all my heart, so late in
> my life.  Intertwined with the tremendous volume of artifacts that relate
> the Holy Bible and religious concepts to current events that are modern and
> sometimes very personal to me is something vastly more important, the “why”
> there is a Christ in the first place.  It is my dreams and demands, my long
> drawn out argument with God over what happens *after* the disclosure that
> I’ve already written–one that proves that religion itself is designed to
> prove the fact that our civilization is created, and with a purpose that is
> deeply linked to technology, the concept of Heaven, and the holy Wisdom of
> the Universe that we would be so happy to be the lucky recipients of… if
> only we knew it was a gift.  Hidden in religion, language, and our history
> is incontrovertible proof of the existence of time travel and mind control
> technologies and a record of their use and influence over the course of the
> thing we call “human history.”  This is a world-view changing disclosure,
> and the waves and changes that come from it have been designed to shape the
> future of civilization in a way that preserves life, liberty, and truth to
> bring our light to the Universe for ever and ever.  This is the dawn of the
> Eternal Flame, it is the birth of “Us.”
> A big part of the book of secrets that I am chronicling here not only the
> source of, but also the arduous task it has been to deliver the message to
> the world, is the disclosure of a hidden message coded within language
> across time.  It is through this hidden cypher that find the initial proof
> of creation, and I have attempted to explain how to find and read it…
> though the ability to read it appears to have been designed specifically
> for my eyes, and the pursuit of and analysis of this message is a
> fundamental part of how God speaks to me.  It is my hope that many others
> will learn how his message is woven across a matrix of religion, language,
> and modern art and will find joy and wisdom in their own continuing search.
> A fundamental concept of the Revelation of Christ is that the stories of
> Exodus and the Gospels of Christ are specifically designed as a map to this
> period of time, to the revealing of truth that ties the Second Coming to
> the Apocalypse.  The name of this book is very specifically chosen to
> highlight a “secret samadhi” of names which tie together a number of
> stories of Egypt, America, and Jesus Christ… and sheds light on a driving
> force behind creation: to preserve *happiness.*  Religion ties together the
> stories of Moses and Jesus Christ through this very “holy” two letter code
> that links the*Ph*araoh and *Ph*arisees to the very beginning of our
> Promised Land… in the name Christo*ph*er Columbus.  “Ph” also finds its way
> at the end of Jose*ph, *and in the name of a messianic bird that rises from
> the ashes of Hell.  These names all expand using the same cypher, to tell a
> story… one that clearly links the  “Christ of Pursuit of Happiness”
> that *walked
> on water* in 1492 to begin this story that ties the “I AM” of Exodus to the
> beginning of *Am*erica.
> Phenix is a name I chose at the age of 11, when as a very young and
> unknowingly inspired programmer I unwittingly lived a microcosm of the
> events that are happening around us all today.  I wrote a “mass mailing”
> program, that followed in popular naming scheme of AOHell at the time, and
> was called Doomsday.   It is through a number of similar microcosmic events
> that I easily see the same pattern in the Biblical life of Christ, who in
> the book of Matthew walked through a microcosm of Exodus–and the story of
> Moses.  Today, I am attempting to tell you the story of how this
> information came to be, because the world around me has failed to turn the
> bright sparks that show a united force behind religion throughout all of
> human history into the *fire* that is destined to end the darkness of this
> Hell.  In religious stories, it is said that El Elyon dwells among us in
> the darkness of Beth-El–the house of the Lord–and this darkness is one in
> the same with the Egyptian Plague… which only here does it become obvious
> is an external technological influence literally hiding the *Light of the
> Son.*
> I have sent this information to press, academics, and religious teachers
> all over the world; and despite my best efforts nobody seems to see how
> fundamentally world changing the disclosure I have already offered is.
> Worse, many seem to be fighting against the very idea of the Second Coming
> being a reality… or that there could be proof of God’s existence; to the
> point of a Grand Master of a Masonic society, “Demolay.org” and the site
> that was formerly hosting the disclosure (gitbooks.com) that is linked
> below conspired together to censor the dissemination of this information…
> somehow not realizing that they are vehemently fighting to ensure the
> continuation of darkness and Hell in our world.
> I am only one man, and I need your help, for without it–without you caring
> and contributing in this process–there truly is no light in the Universe.
> Help me and the world by trying to understand how this new way of looking
> at religion and language truly alters fundamental beliefs we have long had
> wrong about human history… and opens doors to new possibilities in the
> future.  I need you to share this information, to care what God has gone to
> great lengths to ensure was truly not hidden but the foundation of our
> civilization itself, language and religion.
> <https://haph2rah.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/the-actual-revelation-of-jesus-christ-proof-of-creation-in-vr.pdf>*
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