[Faith-talk] Update in Alaska

Debby Phillips semisweetdebby at gmail.com
Sun Apr 24 13:23:53 UTC 2016

Hey Poppa Bear! Debby P here.  Yes, the Seattle Lighthouse is 
recruiting.  We are looking for a Technology instructor at the 
Inland Northwest Lighthouse, which is part of the Seattle 
Lighthouse.  So if anyone is an experienced instructor (3 to 5 
years) you should get on the Seattle Lighthouse website and look 
at the job opportunities.  We are also looking for production 
workers in Spokane, although you would be a temp employee at 
least for now.  Anyway, those looking for work, best of luck and 
God's blessing on your search.

Poppa Bear, you are doing well, and I believe that God is 
rewarding you for your faithfulness over the years.

We are busy here, especially trying to catch up.  Craig and I 
were able, after a couple years of planning and saving, to go on 
a trip to Europe.  It was a wonderful trip, and I learned a lot 
about history.  As a Catholic, I was very blessed to be able to 
hear the Pope as I stood in St.  Peter's Square.  I wish I knew 
Italian, because that's what he spoke.  We also saw the Sistine 
Chapel, and I prayed there.  It's nice to be back home, though.  
I mean, it's good to go, but it's always good to be home, too.    
Blessings all,    Debby

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