[Faith-talk] 8/28/16 Quotes and a Prayer Request

Paul Smith paulsmith at samobile.net
Sun Aug 28 10:37:59 UTC 2016

Hello and good Lord's Day to you all as this message is being written.  
I hope that today is a good one for you, and if you read this message 
before you venture out to your respective houses of worship, that your 
time with the Lord and your fellow congregants will be a good one, by 
God's matchless grace and His providential care.

Here are today's two quotes for your consideration, pondering and reflection.

Timely words are works of art.

Now we see Jesus in the Bible, but then face to face.

And there you have today's quotes.  Don't forget that, later on for you 
astute Bible students, that later on will be the weekly Bible trivia 
game poem for you.

OK, here's the prayer request.  I don't usually post such things for 
myself, governing my actions here to what it says in Philippians 2:3-4 
which says to consider the needs and interests above your own, but I 
think I'm on the last straw here.

I am considering changing churches from a Calvary Chapel congregation 
to another one because something is missing in my spiritual life and 
walk with God, mainly because the only time we meet is Sunday morning 
and Wednesday night Bible study.  But beyond that it would appear that 
the small 15-member adult church membership seems to treat me as if I 
don't exist.  Oh yes, I know there are two sides to a story, but this 
has been going on for over a year.  Don't want to get into specific 
details about the situation on multiple email lists.  I asked two 
outsiders what I should do.  One of them said to flat out say that I'm 
leaving and to state the reason why, while the other person said not to 
say anything and wait for any response to individual congregants.  I'm 
tending toward the latter, because the former sounds too blunt.  Am 
going to this church service this morning.  Anyway please pray that the 
Lord would lead me in the direction that He would want me to go, rather 
than where I want to go.  On my behalf thanks for your prayers and 
individual messages, as they will be taken seriously under advisement.

And now until tomorrow when, Lord willing more quotes and hopefully 
news tidbits will be posted, I am your obedient servant of the One who 
lived an earthly existence, died to pay for your sins and mine, and now 
lives forever to bring us His salvation and peace, Oil of Gladness.

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