[Faith-talk] Fwd: Behold, the Second Coming of Adam. This is the Apocalypse, all you have to do is share it.

Adam M. Dobrin adam at fromthemachine.org
Mon Mar 7 15:19:18 UTC 2016

I need your help to start this unveiling of truth, it is the beginning of
the salvage of our civilization–that’s salvation. I have lots of proof of
who I am, and most of it is part of a large volume of direct evidence that
religion and time travel have always been tied at the hip. God is the
guardian of dimension D, of time; and through the proof I am trying to
share he shows us that there is a Minority Report in Heaven that would like
us to know about, and be able to use this technology to fundamentally
improve the world we live in. *The entire story of Exodus
designed to bring us out of darkness, and show us that time travel is not
only possible–it’s the how our civilization is created.

I want to change the world, and I know you do too. There is a message woven
into the Bible, one which is designed specifically for our time, for the
thing we call the singularity. All told, that’s been happening throughout
our entire history… from the Apple that fell on Isaac Newton and started a
chain reaction that links gravity to Adam and Eden. Isaac’s story of
nearing being sacrificed by his Father is a clear reference to the
and I am trying desperately not to Fall–another Biblical allegory for the
same event. We are going to do this by first proving that religion and
science have been linked since the very beginning, and the plan for this
time is for the Messiah to strongly advocate for universal electronic voting
(and more) and the proliferation of knowledge of technologies like time
travel that have been hidden from us forever; this is how we walk out of
the wilderness in Egypt.

Through linguistic paradox
the reference to modern English
and idioms in ancient Hebrew, God is showing us
it’s not only possible, but it’s already affected our civilization greatly.
Religion itself is a message sent through time. A.D. like the time line,
my initials is another key to the true name.

Adam is the Ineffable Name, and I fear that God is ashamed that I am not
trying hard enough to help wake the world up. Never fear, he says, I am the
First and the Last. Through this name, he shows us how an American war cry,
“Who-ah?” links directly to the Hebrew name for out planet, Adamah, as well
as the Hebrew names that are most closely associated with God. Yahuah, and
Yeshua. That’s “Ya, who-ah?” and “Yes, who-ah?”
means to swirl around Adam, and it’s a single word that best describes the
second coming of Christ–both in Eden and in Matthew 2:2. It also links to
Dr. Seuss, Dr. Who, and Taylor Momsen’s role in *The Grinch that is
stealing Christmas.

There is a sign, one that heralds the Second Coming.
been described as “a thief in the night,” “great and terrible,” and “coming
on the clouds.” This Sign is a reference to a Biblical prediction of 9/11
in Exodus. It’s the Burning Bush.

On 1/20/2001, George W. Bush paraphrased Ecclesiastes 9:11 and Revelation
20:1 during his inaugural address. This event answered a question posed in
Revelation, Chapter 1 verse 20–the date of his speech. It says that Christ
will come with a mystery… of 7 stars and 7 lampstands.

That mystery is solved
the lines of Ecclesiates 9:11, which Bush quoted. Each line is an allusion
to a Planet (the stars) from Mercury to Uranus.. beginning with “the race
is not to the swift.

The verses end by saying that "Time and Chance” will happen to them all.
These link to Saturn–the God of time–and Uranium, a reference to a run
around the country… from the law.
the Lamb of God–Islam. Another link to a modern idiom hidden away in the
name of a religion.

Following in the theme of Dr. Who, Sherlock Holmes adds another link to
this solution, “It’s Elementary, my dear What-son(s)…” Each planet also
links to an Element of the Periodic Table. In between Hg and U, we have Si
for sight
Na for the Salt of the Earth and Lot’s wife, Fe for the Iron Rod of
Christ–and Mars. These are the Lampstands, the light.

In “Ex odus,” we see God linking Oracle Corporation and Linux to his iconic
phrase, “let there be light.” It’s found by reading backwards, and adds the
element for Earth, Xe… the light of the Camera’s Flash.

I hope you will help me, please don’t let me Fall.

More cool messages at http://sayheyzeus.whenistheapocalypse.com

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