[Faith-talk] Quotes for Friday, May 27, 2016

Paul Smith paulsmith at samobile.net
Fri May 27 10:14:39 UTC 2016

Hello to my fellow saints of the Most High God, no matter where you 
live in this world of ours.  Hope you are all doing well today, by 
God's matchless grace and His providential care.

This morning when I put out some things for recycling, it was 
pleasantly cool but getting muggy and humid, something that isn't 
normal for near the end of the month of May around here.  Oh well, God 
gives us the weather, and we shouldn't complain, because it doesn't do 
any good.  Anyway here are today's two quotes for your consideration, 
pondering and reflection.

I've decided to sell my Hoover.  Well, it was just collecting dust.  Tim Vine

Falling down is how we grow.  Staying down is how we die.  Brian Vaszily

And there you have the two quotes for today.  To those of you who are 
experiencing abnormally warm weather like I am, just crank up the AC.  
Besides, it will be a good way to determine if it's really working, as 
a sort of test for later in the year.  Until tomorrow when, Lord 
willing more of the same will be posted, I am your obedient servant of 
the One who lived an earthly existence, died to pay for your sins and 
mine, and now lives forever to bring us His salvation and peace, Oil of 

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