[Faith-talk] Quotes for Monday, October 3, 2016

Paul Smith paulsmith at samobile.net
Mon Oct 3 09:32:04 UTC 2016

Hello and greetings to all my fellow saints of the Most High God, no 
matter where you live.  Hope your day is going well as you read this 
message, by God's matchless grace and His providential care.

Here are today's admittedly two secular quotes for your consideration, 
pondering and reflection.

An extended warranty lengthens your coverage to the day just before 
your appliance breaks.

Doubt is the father of invention.  Galileo

And there you have today's quotes, but don't forget that, later in this 
space we will be having, in the Baffling Bible questions answered 
column, yet a further look at the Gospel of Matthew.  Hope you are 
learning something from these columns, as I sure am.  To quote part of 
an advertisement loosely from a local Calvary Chapel congregation, I'm 
just a beggar who has found bread, and I want to share it with others.

Until then or until tomorrow when, Lord willing more quotes will be 
posted, I am your obedient servant of the One who lived an earthly 
existence, died to pay for your sins and mine, and now lives forever to 
bring us His salvation and peace, Oil of Gladness.

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