[Faith-talk] {Spam?} Affirmation At a Rummage Sale by Mary Ann Conrad

Paul Smith paulsmith at samobile.net
Sat Oct 8 16:22:55 UTC 2016

The following story, as was yesterday's, is from the book "Over and 
Over Again!", Volume 2, North American Division of Seventh-day 
Adventists, 2000.

We were hard-pressed for funds again.  Our son's tenth birthday was in 
two days, and I had hoped to get him a good, sleeping bag.  I knew that 
the next few years would bring many opportunities for Steve to go on 
camping trips.  I also knew that sleeping in a tent in New England 
weather requires warmth.  But we didn't have the extra cash to go out 
and purchase something new.  We just couldn't afford it.

My husband Bruce and I had come under the conviction that once we 
started our family, I needed to be at home during the children's 
formative years.  As much as we wanted this, we both knew it would be 
an act of faith, because up until now we had depended on my income as a 
nurse for home expenses.  Bruce would have to take on this load plus 
that of building his business.

I didn't mind learning to scrimp and save to stretch our resources if 
it meant that I could be with the children.  So I soon learned where 
the best thrift shops and rummage sales were held and how to judge the 
quality of an item quickly.  I purchased much of our clothing and home 
accessories secondhand.  But still I found it very hard to go to Bruce 
with my hand out asking for money each time we needed something extra.

Bruce is a self-employed auto repairman, and at that time our income 
was anything but steady.  Some weeks we had enough money to meet our 
needs, but other weeks were difficult.  We even marveled at how an 
outstanding payment would come just when we needed it.  Or at just the 
right moment Bruce would be able to sell a car or other piece of 
equipment he had bought to fix up.  In fact, we would often wonder out 
loud how the Lord would help us meet our obligations "this time."

I had been watching for sales on camping equipment and scanned the 
classified ads regularly for a month, but I didn't see any sleeping 
bags for sale.

There was to be a rummage sale in a neighboring village the next day.  
I had never seen a sleeping bag at a sale like this before, but I 
prayed that God would have one there for Steve.  Otherwise, I knew I'd 
have to go to the discount stores for a cheap sleeping bag that 
wouldn't hold up to the use it would get.  And I would have to draw 
from the grocery money to buy it.  It was against my better judgment to 
throw money away on something that wouldn't last, but time was an issue.

I was at the sale when the doors opened.  Scanning the room, I 
approached a display area for the outdoor items.  I saw the usual old 
lawn mowers and bikes, some sleds, and various sizes of skates in 
various states of repair.  I sighed and kept looking:  a tennis racket 
and exercise equipment, odds and ends of gardening supplies, and some 
tools.  And there on the corner of the stage was what looked like some 
lightweight canvas rolled up and tied.

Investigating further I found exactly what I had hoped for, an 
extra-thick sleeping bag.  Wow! And it was marked $3.  I looked over 
and found it was in great shape and much, much nicer than what I had 
seen in the discount stores.  I didn't hesitate to pay the price as 
marked, and with tears in my eyes I drove home rejoicing in a heavenly 
Father who not only honors us for our home and family commitments, but 
who also cares about a little boy's birthday gift.

"If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good fits to your 
children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to 
those who ask Him!" (Matthew 7:11, NIV).

And there you have today's timely reading for you, at least I hope it 
was timely.

Don't forget that tomorrow we will have the weekly Bible trivia game 
poem, this time based on a book and chapter of the Old Testament.  
Until then or until you read tomorrow's quotes, may the God of Abraham, 
Isaac and Jacob just keep us safe, individually and collectively, in 
these last days in which we live.  Your Christian friend and brother, Paul

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