[Faith-talk] Not necessary

Ashley Bramlett bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Sat Jul 1 01:48:56 UTC 2017

Linda did not send any reprimand message out to the list.
She might have sent one privately to Jenny.

Debby, list moderators send warning messages off lists to people when they 
break the rules. Jenny said something on list that called attention to what 
happened off list. Jenny is the one who sent this message called "not 

Messages about behavior are often private.
I know because I've gotten some myself for other lists.
If a list member sends out messages with inappropriate language,
action is taken. That has happened on other lists I've been on as well 
through   NFB.
There is a list member who says bad language sometimes on the nabs-l list 
and then
is publicly warned to watch their language. They may be privately warned as 
well, but I don't know because I do not know what private messages they get.

Debby, this is not just a faith talk thing. I've seen the same things on 
other NFB lists.
Civility and not cluttering lists with repetetive messages is critically 
important to running a NFB list where volunteers moderate multiple lists. 
There are many lists  on the NFB server and they all have to be run 
Are you aware Linda moderates two lists? She is not paid for it and has to 
read and sift through all messages to ensure no one is flamed and that lists 
run smoothly.
I am very thankful we have so many volunteers out there. Without volunteers, 
we would not have the benefit of so many NFB lists; there are over a hundred 
of them. It is because volunteers care to connect people who share common 
interests that they volunteer to head up lists.

I know Linda was a bit hurt, but I think things have calmed down and she did 
appologize for her part in any offense taken as well.

So, now we can move forward. Just my two sents.


-----Original Message----- 
From: debby phillips via Faith-Talk
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2017 9:15 PM
To: Linda Mentink via Faith-Talk
Cc: semisweetdebby at gmail.com
Subject: Re: [Faith-talk] Not necessary

Linda, I'm sure that this has been whifficult for you. I understand that 
Jenny's email messages are not easy to read and understand. I read a message 
that you sent to her, and her response to you. But I still question why it 
was necessary to send her massage to you. I think Jenny has some mental 
issues that make her repeat herself a lot, and I also think that Jenny is 
not trying to be offensive, but she feels angry and hurt. I also believe 
that she has unsubscribed, so sending this message out to the list was not 
necessary, and actually a bit mean-spirited.

You are also angry and hurt, because you feel that you are doing your best 
and all you have received, it seems is criticism and reproach. I know you 
want this list to be a good list, but I think it is important to pray before 
sending a response about another person to the whole list. Please Linda, 
let's not make this a war. Pray for Jenny and try to love her as she is. 
Blessings,    Debby
On Jun 29, 2017 2:51 PM, Linda Mentink via Faith-Talk 
<faith-talk at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> This might be Jenny's response to me when I explained to her for
> the second time about digest mode.  I wasn't sarcastic, and I
> didn't swear at her, nothing like that! And this is the way she
> treats me! I wrote her off list; she makes it public! I write
> this so that you all know what her message may be about.
> Or, it may be about the private message I sent to her asking her
> to watch her language!----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Jenny Keller via Faith-Talk <faith-talk at nfbnet.org
> To: faith-talk at nfbnet.org
> Date sent: Thu, 29 Jun 2017 16:16:14 -0500
> Subject: [Faith-talk] Not necessary
> I wrote this on the list so that if anyone has a problem with it
> or if anyone thinks I said it wrong please tell me.
> Linda, if I understood it the first time I wouldn't have passed
> it the second time and I wouldn't have asked it the second time
> if I understood it as many times as I could have read it.  So
> that kind of garbage is not necessary.  And if that gets me in
> trouble then so be it
> And if that kind of garbage is going to come out of people's
> mouth that are supposed to be faithful and about faith on this
> list that I don't need to be on it.  So, I guess we should all
> keep it in check and believe me crap is less offensive than what
> you wrote
> Jenny
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