[Faith-talk] Not necessary

Ericka dotwriter1 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 1 05:00:46 UTC 2017

You're right Debbie. Jenni does have mental health issues but he also has coordination issues as well which makes editing on an iPhone hard. Or should I say harder because I hate editing on the iPhone as well. She has no access to updated technology and the part department of locational rehab will not help her because of medical issues. So she is stuck with whatever Social Security disability income she has to survive. Hopefully with connecting to people in this new welcome and Catholic Church they may have some financial assistance through the diocese or someone at Catholic charities can help. She just told me today that her Sarah device cannot be updated it's so old. She doesn't even have a braillewriter. 

I personally do not think the word crap is offensive and I do not believe it has any connection to Christ at all. I would really like to see some reference to where that connection is. 

Thank you Debbie, on Jenny's behalf. 

Everyone please Pray for her. She's feeling very lonely and hurt. Many times she's explained her physical problems about editing and nobody or very few seem to catch on. If I was told a bunch of that stuff over and over I probably would leave to especially a faith based list.  

Sorry Linda I had to say it.  I know you work and your volunteer your time to do this as well. I also know that you don't mean to hurt people. But I agree with Debbie that not only pray before you ride but reading it back to yourself before you send it off might be a good idea. I'm not excusing some of the things that Jenni said and yes she could take time to edit things. But if it takes you an hour to edit four paragraphs because you cannot afford any kind of keyboard, even a $25 Bluetooth keyboard then I can understand. And she's made that very clear how long it takes her to edit. I don't mean to be offensive or critical here, but hurtful words like this is what I heard from the church of Christ IF someone spoke to me at fellowship so I have a difficult time appreciating nondenominational congregations. 

Ericka Short

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