[Faith-talk] U.S declination and please, if someone lives or he knows someone in Minnesota, there is a friend who threatens to harm herself. Please, please attempt to contact her. Her e-mail is busseheather.93 at gmail.com

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Wed Jul 5 05:43:25 UTC 2017

This message is off topic for this list.  Do not post such stuff.

David Andrews, List Owner

At 12:15 AM 7/5/2017, Mostafa Almahdy via Faith-Talk wrote:
>Recent polls show Americans say civility in Washington fallen since
>Trump got elected. He has certainly discredited oval office eminence
>with his unmatchable indiscretion. It is no longer a prerogative
>privilege to be a greencard bearer. Americans are pigeonholed about
>people of different ethnicities or dialects. Veterans are disgraced
>and white supremacists are egomaniacs with paranoid tendencies. It is
>conspicuously notorious that Americans could not hide their enormously
>detestable grimace. I never saw a president who spends much of his
>time bullying and spewing on social media. Despite his numerous
>incompetencies, he is relentlessly endorsed and plumped for by
>evangelists. What made them absurdly infatuated with him? Since the
>declaration of independence was signed on July 4th 1776, the United
>States pronounced its religious identity. It is a war of religious
>principles. The reason why evangelists are besotted with Donald Trump,
>is the fact that he vividly reflects their deceisive scheme of
>invasive disposal. U.S evangelists are stably colluded with Zionists.
>As you are about to transgress, please recall that we are a nation of
>martyrs, we do not fear death. With the current state of incessant
>uproar in the capital of your extraordinarily damnable nation, are
>there still many patriots? It is a stolen land and you all recognise
>this strict fact. Europeans came in and brutally slain native
>inhabitants. Trust me, as your great grandfathers committed extremely
>heinous offences, you are going to pay a dramatic price from your own
>blood. Donald Trump is a terrible warmonger who surely must be
>eradicated. This demonic figure is indeed a threat to humanity. If he
>reflects most Americans, then they  surely threaten  mass human
>development. U.S veterans must be eradicated for the abominable crimes
>they committed. I strongly affirm, that the warmongers in
>anathematised Washington have volitionally signed their death check.
>Donald Trump began to apply what he calls extreme vetting. This
>includes intolerable search and seizure, humiliation, the necessity to
>expose personal contacts on your phone and so on. Despite their
>preposterous  justification for this, it is all about how should we
>respond. If a Muslim chose to pay the U.S a visit despite the set of
>humiliating procedures, he is then held accountable for the
>consequences. They have done all this to keep us away from their
>country. We must be dignified and respond properly. It is an
>embarrassing collapse for alleged U.S reputation of equality.
>Americans have eventually unveiled their   despicable effigy. Allah
>glory be to Him is measurelessly omnipotent to wholly retaliate from
>them. He already turned them in hostility against one another and made
>them a subject of broad ridicule. They viciously impeached each other
>and murdered each other with callous assaults. Allah is able to make
>them kill one another with their own guns. We already began to see
>this. Islam is a trouble for them because it eminently threatens their
>aristocracy. Despite prejudice and stereotypical notions, it is vastly
>embraced among their own fellows. As they have been satisfied to elect
>a majorly property tycoon to operate in oval office, they regretfully
>began to woefully witness  his absolute failure. Worse is yet to come
>and they will be just numb to the terrific flow of bloodshed. I do not
>need to impure my hands with their gravely polluted blood. Allah is
>sufficient to take care of this. As for my good friends out there such
>as Alison, she is not offended with what I say. She respects my
>perspective and she knows I do not generalise. Jenny at faith talk
>list, I want you to know that I consider you a respectful person and
>so pastor Jacob of Michigan. Each and everyone who does not attempt to
>demonise my entity is genuinely respected. Now, if you live or you
>know someone who lives in Minnesota, please put me immediately in
>touch with that person. I knew a friend there who is a bit depressed
>and she thinks of harming herself. Please, it is a desperate
>necessity. I unfortunately do not know in what town she currently
>resides nor I have her number. However, I have her e-mail and I intend
>to give it out to whoever is committed to help her overcome her
>stressful state. Please folks, this is absolutely serious. I am trying
>to interrupt her evil thoughts by texting her on Skype. She keeps
>shouting at me, just leave me alone but I basically do not care. I
>genuinely honour human life. Suicidal thoughts are strictly prohibited
>in Islam. However, these incidents are typically attested in western
>societies. I wonder about the reason. Despite the perfection of
>temporal life, many of them hasten to commit suicide once they are a
>bit unwell, hopeless or anxious. This is not what the Muslim has to
>do. We knoew that the life we now live is filled with asperities. Once
>we are afflicted with a cataclysm, we ought to express forbearance and
>praise Allah for whatever He has given us. This is Islam folks. This
>is true Islam which you never heard of. I do not care about the
>misconceptions they attempt to hatefully distort this beautiful
>religion with. I knew what I practice. As for Minnesota, please, it is
>absolutely urgent that you hasten to get in touch with her. Here is
>her e-mail: busseheather.93 at gmail.com Her name is Heather Busse. O
>Allah, I have done all what I could to save this human soul. Please
>folks, hasten, she already signed out from Skype and threatened to
>block me. So please, please hasten. Thank you for reading, Mostafa
>(Seeking knowledge is compulsory from cratle to grave because it is a
>shoreless ocean.)

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