[Faith-talk] FW: Southernly

Marianne Haas advocate at earthlink.net
Sat Jul 8 14:18:22 UTC 2017

-----Original Message-----
From: Mostafa Almahdy [mailto:mostafa.almahdy at gmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2017 6:30 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Southernly

What are the southern states? South of the United States is The region of the United States lying to the south of the Mason Dixon line. It had seceded from the United States in 1861. So, who are we talking about when we say southerners? The United States Census Bureau identifies 16 states as part of the American South, and these states are divided into three smaller regions. The South Atlantic includes Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia,
West Virginia and Delaware. 	The East South Central region is composed
of Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi and Tennessee. The West South Central region includes Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas. The southern region is immensely filled with nescience, prejudice, ethical inversion, insolence and pride. There are many people in this area who unfortunately, never went to college and thence, are susceptible to smoothly be fooled and indoctrinated. Those are mostly southern Protestants who are addicted to television and propaganda. They are into these detrimental factors more than edification. The southern region resembles the core of America’s isolation crisis. They typically overuse improper expressions in casual conversations. They use what they call F Word euphemistically. They are into absonant rhetoric, racial disparity and disgrace. Southern evangelists are mythically stereotyped about Islam. They tend to influentially dominate their sickly cozened audience with venomously insidious notions. Those are the ones who damnably brought this swine to oval office. This archfiend who is miserably rapscallion, racialist, bigoted, treacherous, unconscionable, propagandist, dishonourable, misanthrope, misogynist, fanatic, uprooter, petulant, megalomanic, arrogant, hilarious, scurrilous, scoundrel, cantankerous, prurient, poltroon, flamboyant, aweless,  dissembler, buffoonish and a direly warmonger. The problem however, is not this damnable property tycoon.
The problem are the ones who brought him to oval office. Those enormous disparagers and hate mongers complain about hate speech, duh!
What the hell are they talking about? As for transgressive veterans, they are essentially eirenic. Therefore, they deserve to unhesitatingly be decapitated. The United States didn’t complete one millennium on earth and it inshAllah won’t. If someone’s boyfriend is a veteran, I am afraid, I consider him a deadly enemy. He has probably killed at least one single innocent in the unjust wars which the U.S transgressively went to. I urge you folks to attain sufficient courage to read about your country’s untold and honestly, shameful history. I urge you to read about how your great grandfathers committed genocide of native habitants. In the nineteen fifties, when Eisenhower was president, African Americans could have not imbibed from the same drinking fountains of white Americans. Your racial crisis remains unvanquished. We see this quite plain with the dominance of white
supremacists who               classify others anathema. They couldn’t
tolerate people with different colour, dialect or cultural background.
Therefore, they felicitously brought Trump. Well since then, their allegedly decent reputation precipitated. I don’t want you to dismiss the decisive truth that you live in a stolen land as Israel does.
Perhaps this is one of the reasons for which you like one another? You happened to have a mutual history of land theft and ethnic cleansing.
I am not one of those who are influenced with civil defeatism. You couldn’t ever convince me that either occupants of the States or Israel are native habitants. They both have stolen the land and brutally massacred its actual citizens. As a matter of fact, each and every citizen in Israel is a soldier in the military. Why do they keep constructing settlements,  intersections and the retention wall?
Because they exactly look like someone who stole what doesn’t belong to him. Therefore, he is coerced to periodically confront his victim.
This is why they are terrified. As U.S citizens, you are obliged to pay taxes. To whom does your money go? It mostly goes to those who have stolen the land and on a regular basis, they murder innocent civilians. So with your government’s tax revenue, people are being killed. This is why here in the Muslim world, your country is intemperately despised. I think you need to learn further about why is your country criticized in the Muslim world. Your country’s controversial reputation is waned. You have got to rectify your situation. That is if you wish to build bridges of mutual deference.
However, if you insist to advocate for war, as I told you before, this is a nation of martyrs. I determined to speak up against U.S imperialism a while ago. Without your first amendment, I am adequate to  do so. I do the same domestically. I sternly scold coup boosters here in Egypt. I have the sufficient courage to speak about the guilt of my nation’s executives. The Koran enjoins me to be conscious of Allah and to constantly tell the truth. I don’t care whether many people here chose to be disingenuous to live peacefully. I could be taken into custody because of my strident rhetoric, but I basically don’t care. I devoted myself to speak the truth despite what the consequences are. Truth is utter for what it is and it is never subbed for what is lesser. As for bastard  Southern televangelists, I urge them to seek proper education. I sit on some occasions to hear their idiotic portraiture about Islam. It just exposes their unprecedented nescience. As I do practice religious introspection, I have no problem illustrating its essence to someone. I know Islam more than you know Christianity. As we both know, religion in western societies is a secondary priority and it has never been taken seriously. If it has ever been taken seriously, we would not have heard about scandalous involvements as of incestuous relationships and so on. Church attendance is just a routine and then, she just hangs out with her boyfriend. Well who cares, Jesus died for my sins. Your theological dogma has fallen at the first hurdle. As many of you consider aspersing Islam a right of free speech, we have equal right to just do the same. As some of them have held either international burn the Koran or international judge Muhammad day, we have got equal right to burn the flag of where they come from, for instance. Hate speech begets hate speech. Perhaps you are not used to see a Muslim speaking stridently against you. However, it is my firm allegiance to never speak apologetically. I am not impeached to defend myself. Pastor Jacob, I await your confirmation of a mutually scheduled appointment to converse. I have denotative rebuttals for your intellectually ambidextrous propositions. I am afraid, I didn’t find a nicer term. As for their deliberate aspersion of Islam, it is considered free speech.
But, when we criticize the mysterious affiliation between Protestants and Zionists, they typically accuse us of antisemitism. Despite the fact that is internationally prohibited to  criticize, examine or even analyse the credibility of traditional Holocaust chronicle on impartially historical basis, Jews have mastered Christian orientation. I wish that any of those evangelical preachers may frankly tell the truth about the strange fellowship between them and the state of Israel. I knew ex Muslims who converted to Christianity.
I adjure to fathom, what is the affiliation between becoming a Christian and endorsing Israel? I wish they have got sufficient courage to speak about that. I urge you to go check what Jews say about Jesus and his mother in their Talmudic literature. They viciously associate terrible qualities to both of them. I really couldn’t discern, how do they claim they deify Jesus and then endorse those who speak ignominiously of him? As for us, we respect and honour Jesus and his mother be that as it may, they detestably calumniate and speak unfavourably of us. The Koran predicted that we will hear calumnious rhetoric from both people of the scripture and pagans. If they said otherwise, I would have doubted Koranic believability. Each and every act they commit conforms with what the Koran states. I lastly must confirm, if anyone is prepared to scrutinize with me on theological issues, I am fully competent. Instead of sending me posts or videos, I would rather talk to the one who has the misconception face to face. It is a tremendous opportunity to critically assess his knowledge and inshAllah, clear up his mind from the ignorance it contains. I am a devoutly practicing Muslim who studied Islamic theology. I went through prestigiously pedantic curricula on Koran commentary, Hadith, Islamic jural, Arabic syntax and other integrated syllabi. I also studied Christian theology in a Coptic seminary for two years. In addition, I learnt academic English and literary translation at the British Council.  Thank you for patiently reading, Shalom, Mostafa

(Seeking knowledge is compulsory from cratle to grave because it is a shoreless ocean.)

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