[Faith-talk] FW: Southernly

Ashley Bramlett bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Sat Jul 8 16:21:25 UTC 2017


I wanted to let you know you are not alone.
Mostafa has taken email addresses and sent us messages privately.
I received the same email as you did and in the same time frame.
This indicates to me that Mostafa has compiled a list of email addresses 
from various sources and then sends out a group email privately.

No one asked for this and this sort of stuff is harassment as Linda 
My advice is to delete his messages. If he persists and you do not want 
them, then write back and tell him to stop.
If he continues after you request he stop, then you can block his messages.
If you need help, you  can ask your ISP. Also, remember if you feel 
threatened or unsafe, you can also report it to the police.

Personally, since they are his own views with no threats, I don't pay much 
attention to them. I might skim them to see if there is facts on Islam 
there, but otherwise just ignore the junk about American politics and the 
names called to our president.
Don't take it personally.

It is email.


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