[Faith-talk] Faith-Talk Digest, Vol 119, Issue 21

Christine Olivares rafael4490 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 28 00:35:24 UTC 2017

I totally understand what you are saying. I have left the Church a few times (the Catholic Church). I don’t know what the heck I was looking for, but I tried going to other churches and religions even. I tried the Pentecostal church, and though it was great, it lacked the sacramental aspects of the Catholic church. I also went to an Episcopal church, and I still love them to this day. For me, going back to my routes has been so great. It helps that I direct the music in the church. It’s like a piece of my soul was missing. I just read an article where more and more christians are moving back to the sacramental foundation of Christianity: Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, etc. Fascinating article.

> On Jun 27, 2017, at 8:23 PM, Jenny Keller via Faith-Talk <faith-talk at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> I'm sure she's friendly have gone into whatever it takes to get somebody in the door forget reference forget anything but entertainment to get people to walk in the door which is not what God would have wanted  
> You can say your "Bible believing church, "but doing stuff like that crap. No way, you will never tell me that that church, that that Christian, never in 1 million years. And in fact, I truly honestly believe, that those churches are selling their soul just to get what they want, to get people coming in people and to hell with the fact that they only talk about what good and what makes people happy to keep them in their churches. Not what Christ would have wanted. So they're just as bad as the Catholics. They can do what they want to. There's nobody that is there and says wait a minute, you can't teach this, a church and just cheat anything there watching and there's nobody to deal with it. They can get away with it and nobody says a word. 
> Martin Luther was a Catholic priest, who decided that he was not happy with the way the Catholic Church was running. However, Lutheran church now, has no problem with actively gay preachers, with partners, being pastors, or higher than that, that's OK, that's not OK to me. And it wouldn't be OK with Martin Luther anyway. So, you can't tell me that a church that starts out as a Catholic church and turns into something else, which is not what he wanted. Is the correct church either. It all has gone to hell, it's all has become whatever they want it to be. 
> In fact, people who are Catholics don't understand the people who aren't. The people who are see so much crap and false information about the Catholic Church. Read about it, has questions about it, so you don't get wrong information. And I mean read about it from someone who knows about it. Not from someone who condemns it and doesn't know anything about it. Or knows one thing about it, and decide that that's wrong, and then writes a book on it on that one subject and makes it like the whole church is that way. 
> There are other churches who are Bible believers that do things that are not in the Bible either, but that's OK. So, we have to understand that everybody goes about things their way. I frankly, I don't believe that the priest make that happen. I believe that the Holy Ghost does, and, it doesn't really matter. It's a mystery, no one understands anything about any church and about the Bible. Nobody oh and about Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you take that as one of your bowels and confirmation. Again, read about it.  
> At least the Catholics don't change with the wind blowing. They stay the same. They don't change every time the wind blows, and they most certainly do not change your believes are the way they do their mask for anyone else's entertainment. 
> There the less chaotic church I have ever been to, and the chaos in my life, that's what I need, something that's going to be caught quiet, calm, and frankly someone who has to go to a hierarchy that can say yes this is right or no you're not doing something right, instead of just doing whatever when they want to however they want to and nobody has the right to say anything again, I have not found any church that is "a Bible believing church. That doesn't rock 'n' roll anymore. Besides, if they do, you're dying off. Trust me I have looked. 
> The churches of Christ, who don't use instrument, are not really big here either. As far as I know. But, I also have to deal with getting to and from. It's a pain in the butt. And again, there are things that are just mysteries, in the Bible, and communion, anyway. We will never understand the Bible truly. And, it says, if you really are a Bible believing person, or church, it says, faith without works is dead. So, you can't tell me that churches that don't use worse have anything against that, so, what's the difference in the Catholic Church. And, I have figured out, that the priest himself doesn't believe that he does it. We also believe that the Holy Ghost is the one that helps him  as far as confession goes, the priest is not priced, I have asked him several times, he doesn't pretend to be Christ, but through the Holy Spirit, he is able to tell us things that Jesus would tell us. Or give him the ability to see things through his heart that he would give a spiritual direction. It's not a laundry list of sins, it's actually a small spiritual direction situation
> So, do I believe in everything, no, but, I would much rather be a part of a church that doesn't sell her soul to be entertaining just to keep people in the door then be reverent and and stuff that needs to be done to be an actual Eight reference part of life that takes everything away and gives you a peaceful situation. Not a rockDavid,
> You can preach all the Bible believing you want. However, God didn't say that you can have a rock concert in church either. That's just his reverent as going to a rock concert and taking off his shirt. There is no reference, there is no shame, there is nothing but party hearty and entertainment only. I will not, and cannot, go to a church that believes that Jay is OK, and much less has active gay preachers and upper hierarchy such as Bissett bishops and hierarchy, yes, they do need a hierarchy. Because I have seen charges that go yway out of proportion and they have nobody to stop that.
> Frankly, I have seen more churches the nap, then anything else. And I have been involved with stuff that is definitely not cool, but yet everybody seems to follow that sheet. Because the Bible tells them so. So, just because you believe in the Bible, doesn't mean that you're right, or that you're preaching the correct thing.
> You will never, ever, ever, tell me that stuff like that is right. That it is reverent. That praise of God, that is crap as soon as I walk into it it crap. There was nothing in the Bible that says you have to be entertained and whatever to be a Christian. That you needed reverent, reverence and the fear of God is what is in the Bible. Like it or not.The church is frankly, have gone into whatever it takes to get somebody in the door. Forget reference, forget anything but entertainment to get people to walk in the door. Which is not what God would have wanted. He wouldn't want someone or a church to sell her soul just to make people walk in the door. And that's how I see it. There are churches anymore that don't do that. If there are, the van services don't take the people there they only take them to the later service is, which is where the party is.
> I go there to be peaceful, I go there to be out of this world, to be with God. Everybody has mysteries no one knows exactly what the father the son and the Holy Ghost is Trinity wise. Nobody understands that, but it doesn't mean it's not true.
> There are new missionaries who called me today. I just ignored it because I had my phone on do not disturb to do some praying. Anyhow, there started again, I'm just gonna have to text the bishop and let them know that I am done. And not to have anyone come here anymore.
> Jenny
>> On Jun 25, 2017, at 5:38 PM, David Moore via Faith-Talk <faith-talk at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> Hi Jenny!
>> I am not sure why I am receiving a digest. I have always received every message that comes in. Anyway, You should really pray about attending a catholic church, because they add to what Jesus did on the cross to be saved. What jesus already did for us to save us completely, isn’t enough for the catholic church, they add works to a perfect plan of salvation only by what Jesus did for us on the cross. For the Catholic, it is faith and works that saves. Romans and so many places in the new Testament, makes it so clear that we are by saved by faith and only by faith in the work that Jesus did for us on the cross. The Priest has no more power than any of us does in Jesus Christ. We are all the same with just as much of the Holy spirit as anymone can get. The priest believes that he has special powers to actually turn the bread into the litteral body of Christ. When particular people, like the pope is thought to have a special access to God than we do, that is not of God what so ever. We all have the same access to the throne of God through Christ. Hierarchy in the church is man made. The Church that Jesus set up through the apostles, had more than one elder for each church. The idea of one person over many churches, did not Occur until the 300s. What I want you to consintrate on, though, is that the Gospel of the Catholic church, is not the gospel that the apostles preached under the power of the holy spirit. Paul said in Galatians chapter 1, that if anyone preaches a gospel other than what we have already preached, let that giver of this different gospel be eternally condemned. That is a serious penalty for not preaching the gospel that the apostles did under the direction of God. God spoke through the apostles, and they preached the only gospel there is, faith and only faith in Jesus Christ can save you. If any works are added, then the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ for your sins is not enough for you. No other works are needed for salvation, but this is what the catholic church believes. It is a slippery road to go down, I really wish that you could find a church that preaches that faith in Jesus is all one needs for salvation. Just a simpleBible preaching, Bible believing, and only the Bible believing church. Catholics come right out and say that the tradition of the church is just as important as the Bible. There is nothing but the Bible. The traditions of men is nothing. All that God has to say to us is in the Bible, and there is none else. The Catholic church holds its traditions up as just as much the word of God as the Bible is. You want no part of that! Wow, Jenny, I will call you Tuesday afternoon and have a good talk with you about all of this! Does anyone know why I was switched to a digest? Is this list only a digest list now?
>> God bless,
>> Have a great one!
>> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
>> From: Erica Turner via Faith-Talk
>> Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2017 5:33 PM
>> To: faith-talk at nfbnet.org
>> Cc: Erica Turner
>> Subject: Re: [Faith-talk] Faith-Talk Digest, Vol 119, Issue 21
>> Jenny,
>> I think that you should pray about this. You will never go wrong and you always hear the right answer. 
>> I hope that this helps. 
>> "I never cut class. I love getting A's. I like being smart. I like being on time. I think that being smart is cooler than anything in the world."--Michelle Obama 
>> Erica J. Turner
>> Sent from my iPhone 
>>> On Jun 25, 2017, at 8:00 AM, faith-talk-request at nfbnet.org wrote:
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>>> Today's Topics:
>>> 1. Dilemma (Jenny Keller)
>>> 2. Re: Dilemma (Justin Williams)
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2017 04:55:31 -0500
>>> From: Jenny Keller <jlperdue3 at gmail.com>
>>> To: faith-talk at nfbnet.org
>>> Subject: [Faith-talk] Dilemma
>>> Message-ID: <CCBB0DCF-4741-4335-ABEE-C07C792FA25F at gmail.com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset=us-ascii
>>> Hi there, I just found an Orthodox Catholic church, which is completely in line with the Roman Catholic Church. I'm not sure if it is in the Roman church is jurisdiction. So, I'm going to wait till Monday to find out. However, my friend only go to certain churches. And I am uncomfortable asking them to go to another church. It's a little bit farther away.  
>>> I either have a choice between the Latin mass, which I like, still learning though, or, the regular Catholic Church. That does English. That rushes. Anyhow, I'm just not sure. I don't know how big the catholic Orthodox churches. But, I know they're in line with the if the pope.
>>> I have an app called OneParish, and it is in there. So, I don't know, going to call the priest on Monday. So, what do you figure out what to do. I want to see if I can get a ride from somebody there. I'm about 5 1/2 minutes from there. So, it's going to be interesting. If it's going to be a major deal with my friend, then, I would rather go ahead and go to the churches they go to. They have a Saturday mass as well. So, it depends heart. I want to be careful and want to make sure that my friends don't have to go out of their way. They would. But I'm uncomfortable just putting more on them. Talk to you later. But, want to know what you think.
>>> Jenny
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 2
>>> Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2017 06:02:35 -0400
>>> From: "Justin Williams" <justin.williams2 at gmail.com>
>>> To: "'Faith-talk, for the discussion of Blindness in faith and
>>>  religion'"    <faith-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>> Subject: Re: [Faith-talk] Dilemma
>>> Message-ID: <015301d2ed9a$2b9865c0$82c93140$@gmail.com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset="us-ascii"
>>> You got uber or lyft?
>>> Justin
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Faith-Talk [mailto:faith-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Jenny
>>> Keller via Faith-Talk
>>> Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2017 5:56 AM
>>> To: faith-talk at nfbnet.org
>>> Cc: Jenny Keller <jlperdue3 at gmail.com>
>>> Subject: [Faith-talk] Dilemma
>>> Hi there, I just found an Orthodox Catholic church, which is completely in
>>> line with the Roman Catholic Church. I'm not sure if it is in the Roman
>>> church is jurisdiction. So, I'm going to wait till Monday to find out.
>>> However, my friend only go to certain churches. And I am uncomfortable
>>> asking them to go to another church. It's a little bit farther away.  
>>> I either have a choice between the Latin mass, which I like, still learning
>>> though, or, the regular Catholic Church. That does English. That rushes.
>>> Anyhow, I'm just not sure. I don't know how big the catholic Orthodox
>>> churches. But, I know they're in line with the if the pope.
>>> I have an app called OneParish, and it is in there. So, I don't know, going
>>> to call the priest on Monday. So, what do you figure out what to do. I want
>>> to see if I can get a ride from somebody there. I'm about 5 1/2 minutes from
>>> there. So, it's going to be interesting. If it's going to be a major deal
>>> with my friend, then, I would rather go ahead and go to the churches they go
>>> to. They have a Saturday mass as well. So, it depends heart. I want to be
>>> careful and want to make sure that my friends don't have to go out of their
>>> way. They would. But I'm uncomfortable just putting more on them. Talk to
>>> you later. But, want to know what you think.
>>> Jenny
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>>> End of Faith-Talk Digest, Vol 119, Issue 21
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