[Faith-Talk] situation

Rob Kaiser rcubfank at sbcglobal.net
Sun Aug 18 20:06:10 UTC 2019

Good afternoon all:


Please excuse the long email. 


As many of you know, I've been trying to get involved with the Methodist
Church here in Victorville, CA. Because of transportation dificulties
(unreliable pera transit & no one willing to pick me up or drive me home)
I've not been able to get involved with the church. I have told them that
I'm willing to wait hours if necessary to wait for a taxi @ night after
choir practice. Unfortunately, that is how long it could take up here in the
high desert of Southern California. The church secretary is telling me that
there is an insurrance issue if I'm there alone waiting for transportation.
This sounds really strange to me. I'm wondering if anyone else has ever had
a situation like this. I'm aware that the times being what they are, people
are less willing to be of help to other people. Any help would be


Thanks in advance.



Rob Kaiser Email;

rcubfank at sbcglobal.net


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