[Faith-Talk] Tennessee Avenue, Christmas for everyone? What does Islam say about the celebration of neither Jesus nor Muhammad, a video game about Jesus and, American TV attacks Islam in Arabic

Mustafa Almahdy against.trump2001 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 13 21:02:57 UTC 2019

Hello everyone, I hope you’re doing well. As we’re approaching
Christmas holiday, I destine to ponder on its essence. Jesus Christ is
suppose to be the centre of this occasion. Nonetheless, everything
practiced therein is quite farther to his teachings and ministry. So,
Christmas tree, carols, cake etc, none of these were associated with
Christ. Thereupon, western celebrants have turned it into merely
temporal and commercial season. Presents, big dinner etc, these are
the common factors that are often affiliated with Christmas
jubilation. So, as to whom this matters, Christmas has even been
hardened for secularists. It’s quite unusual though, for typical
rejoicers to go churching on that day. It has rather been riveted on
massive family gatherings, magnanimous dinner as of serving Turkey
etc, and that’s it. If you head into the southern region of the United
States, you’ll  conveniently notice white Christian partisans who have
devoted themselves to wholly traditions and customs that are
enormously dissident to what Jesus has taught. The Bible doesn’t
determine the precise birthday of Christ nor it cares about it.
Furthermore, santa, which is the legendary patron saint of children;
an imaginary being who is thought to bring presents to children at
Crimbo, poses crucial questions, as to  whom is this fanciful
character based on?? Well, it’s unfortunately grounded on a mass
murderer known as Saint Nicholas, whom has presided the persecution,
in addition to relentless excruciation and rather murder of
monotheists. Recently, they released a trailer of a video game
featuring Christ. So, players would enact as him and would go into
missions and stages based on the biblical narrative, commencing at
baptism and sealing with the alleged resurrection  of Christ. For me
as Muslim, such game is savagely blasphemous and emphatically
unhallowing to Christ’s noble prophethood. As to typical Christology
devotees, it resembles another material factor to go even farther from
the actual implication of this supposedly religious celebration. Has
Jesus or any of his disciples wrote these Christmas cards? Could you
perhaps show me one thing you do at Christmas which Christ enjoined
you to? I speak with the same rate of stern and reprimand at Muslims,
as to when they celebrate the birth of prophet Muhammad. The latter
never celebrated such worldly related issue nor he leastwise has given
it the tiniest attention. So, neither Jesus nor Muhammad cared about
such temporal figures the way we do. If we go to the scriptural
sources of both religions, we will easily discover, that such wordly
engagements as they’re pertained to religious incidents have been
declined therein. Such wordly innovations shall not be associated to
any of these two great prophets. Muslims also sing about prophet
Muhammad and have large boxes of candy sold around the modernly
invented occasion of celebrating his birthday. Well, this is quite
sacrilegious to his teachings. The west has fully materialized and
secularized everything that is affiliated with Christmas and religious
occasions in general and they’re gradually pressuring Muslims to do
so. Here in Egypt, the media of the de facto coup based regime
regularly features secular boosters who would callously assault each
and every religious fundamental to slightly cause a stir among the
masses. This detestable campaign against Islamic tenets is primarily
based on external backing as of Alhurra TV and other media outlets.
Alhurra TV, which literally means, the free female, is an American
based Arabic broadcast, aims to gradually alter Muslim people. It’s
congressionally funded with illimitable provision. Everything in this
Arabic  American television channel is essentially spoken of, firmly
against Islam, in all what this term entails. It’s quite dangerous and
it reflects a rhetorical war against Islam. It couldn’t be fathomed in
any other manner. So, war on Islam is not of mythical perception. It’s
rather of physical existence and presence, featuring decisive
evidence. Lastly, could I, in the United States, in the name of free
expression, launch a TV channel which speaks about and possibly,
criticizes the establishment of the Zionist entity in Palestine?

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