[Flagdu] FW: [Nfbf-l] Sad news

Sherrill O'Brien sherrill.obrien at verizon.net
Sat Apr 9 16:55:59 UTC 2011

Hello all,

I know many of you are on the NFBF list, but since some aren't, I wanted to
share this post from FLAGDU member Kathy Davis about the passing of Rita
Princivalli. She was a dedicated and longtime staff member at Southeastern
Guide Dogs, for whom she raised countless puppies. Here's Kathy's note to
the list.


-----Original Message-----
From: nfbf-l-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfbf-l-bounces at nfbnet.org]On
Behalf Of Kathy Davis
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 11:12 PM
To: 'NFB of Florida Internet Mailing List'; Nfbf Leaders
Subject: [Nfbf-l] FW: [Gduf-l] Sad news

Dear NFBF Friends,
I am absolutely stunned to tell you that our dear and treasured friend, Rita
Princivalli passed away as the result of cancer. I am simply stunned by this
news as I didn't even know Rita was ill.

I tried to reach her several times to no avail and Allen Bornstein tried to
connect with her too. What a complete and utter shock!!

For those of you who did not know Rita well, you may remember that she is
the terrific and giving woman who put on the "What's New and Cool for the
Blind" seminar at state convention. Bless her dear and giving heart!

Often Rita told people that the reason she became a puppy raiser was because
when she worked for the Center for the Visually Impaired here in Daytona
Beach, Rita simply fell in love with my first Seeing Eye dog, Dorsey. It was
also because of a dear friend's guide dog named Heidi.

I will miss her and so regret that I had no idea that she was battling
cancer. God bless her giving heart and her love for blind people and their
guide dogs.


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