[Flagdu] good news, and a big thank you

Sherrill O'Brien sherrill.obrien at verizon.net
Fri Mar 16 16:58:45 UTC 2012

Hello to all,

As President of our Guide Dog Users division, I want to thank everyone who
cared enough to take the time to call your state senator and/or
representative to educate them about hB1077 and especially SB1382. Though
the latter bill passed the Senate, it died in the House, as it was not
brought to the floor. So, to paraphrase the Wizard of Oz, dingdong, the bill
is dead!

Of course, next year, we will need to be vigilant and begin early, after
elections, to work toward ensuring that any similar proposed bills contain
measures and language which will help all guide dog users in Florida,
including making sure the definition of a service animal is in conformance
with the DOJ.

Again, FLAGDU appreciates your help, and at least we can rest easy till next
year, knowing the goat someone tries to bring to the shopping mall is
definitely not a service animal! Though it may seem amusing, but it is truly
an important distinction for those who choose to use a guide dog. And we
certainly know we can count on your help next year if that becomes

Sherrill O'Brien
President, Florida Association of Guide Dog Users

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