[Flagdu] FW: [Nfbnet-members-list] About Liquid Sunshine, Live Streams, and Guide Dog Users

Sherrill O'Brien Sherrill.obrien at verizon.net
Mon Jun 30 15:58:28 UTC 2014

Hello once more,


Attached is Marion's NAGDU happenings email, which you may have read, but it
can't hurt to refresh your memory about what      your guide dog division is
doing on behalf of all guide dog users at convention.


I hope to see many of you "real soon", as they used to say on the Mickey
Mouse Club! 


Warm regards




From: Nfbnet-members-list [mailto:nfbnet-members-list-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Marion Gwizdala via Nfbnet-members-list
Sent: June 11, 2014 5:57 PM
To: nfbnet-members-list at nfbnet.org
Subject: [Nfbnet-members-list] About Liquid Sunshine, Live Streams, and
Guide Dog Users


Please circulate the following message as widely as appropriate!
Greetings from the Sunshine State!
                As a native Floridian, I know quite a bit about the weather
in the Sunshine State and thought I would share what I know with you! During
the month of July, the sun always shines during the day in Florida.
Sometimes the sunshine is the liquid sort and you should expect it every
day. Though you may be considering bringing rain gear with you for our
national convention, there is no need to do so. NAGDU will provide it for
you. At the NAGDU table in the exhibit hall (B-17) we will have rain ponchos
emblazoned with the brand new NFB logo. These large ponchos measure 52" X
86" and feature a very roomy hood. These ponchos are $10 each and will
definitely keep you dry! We will also be selling our 20 oz. Oktoberfest beer
steins for $5.00, as well as raffle tickets for a very unique Blue Tooth
Tech package consisting of a keyboard, waterproof speaker/microphone, and a
miniature USB battery charger/flashlight valued at $195! Raffle tickets will
be $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00.

                The National Federation of the Blind is recognized as an
innovator in the field of blindness. As a strong and proud division of the
NFB, NAGDU is the leading force in the guide dog Movement. During our
meeting on July 1, we will reflect our heritage with the NFB and our
leadership in the service animal movement by launching an innovative,
amazing resource that will dramatically change the way guide and other
service animal users protect their civil rights. If you are a guide dog user
or interested in guide dog users' issues, you will not want to miss this
exciting, groundbreaking announcement! We will also hear from an expert in
Sharia law who will discuss the official view of service animals under
Islamic law and practice. 


          On Thursday, July 3, we will hear from several guide dog training
programs who have instituted new programs that are changing the way guide
dog users undergo training, including fast-track training, community
training, and training that incorporates both residential and community
training. We are looking forward to a packed room, so plan on coming early
and staying late to mix & mingle with your fellow guide dog users and
trainers! Both our meetings will be held in Salon 3, Level 2 of the rosen
Plaza Hotel & Convention Center. Registration begins at 6:00 p.m. and will
close at 6:45 p.m. Our meetings will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m.


Did you say you're not able to make the meeting? Not so! You can be a part
of this exciting pair of meetings, even if you're not in Orlando! This year,
NAGDU will be streaming our meetings live. The live stream will be available
from the homepage of our website! Simply go to




and find the link to the live stream. Our meetings will be held on Tuesday,
July 1 and Thursday, July 3 beginning at 7:00 p.m. Don't miss a minute of
the most dynamic gathering of guide dog users in the world and the
incredible announcement that will be made! If you would like to make a
contribution to defray the cost of our live stream, you can do so by going
to our donation page




The National Association of Guide dog Users is the leader in guide and
service animal policy, education, and advocacy for guide dog users! We are
also the most dynamic, innovative, and energetic organization of guide dog
users in the world! Our influence and strength are the result of our robust
membership.   If you are not a member of NAGDU or one of its affiliate
divisions, you are invited to join our ranks and support our goal of Living
the Life You Want as a guide dog user. Membership in the National
Association of guide dog Users also makes you a member of the National
Federation of the Blind. Joining is painless and simple. Our dues are only
$5.00 annually and you can join and pay your dues online. For more
information about joining NAGDU, please go to 




          Don't forget about the NAGDU Information & Advocacy Hotline where
you can hear information about service animal laws and regulations, as well
as connect to a live advocate who can help you in the event you face access
problems because of your guide dog. You can call the Hotline 24/7 by calling
888-NAGDU411 (888-624-3841). The Hotline recently received a sizable grant
from Twilio Cloud Communications to support the Hotline for years to come.
Thanks to Twilio for their generosity and support of this valuable resource!


          Finally, you are invited to read our NAGDU blog - Harness Up! You
can read the blog and sign up for notifications when new posts are published
by going to




          I look forward to seeing you in Orlando or having you participate
on our live stream. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in
touch with me. My contact information is below my signature.


`Fraternally yours,

Marion Gwizdala, President

National Association of Guide dog Users Inc.

National Federation of the Blind

Office: 813-626-2789 

Hotline: 888-NAGDU411 (888-624-3841

Info at nagdu.org

http://nagdu.org <http://nagdu.org/> 




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