[Flagdu] please review these flagdu minutes from 2015 annual meeting
Sherrill O'Brien
Sherrill.obrien at verizon.net
Wed Jan 13 13:22:58 UTC 2016
Good morning all,
Yesterday I sent these minutes out to all who payed their dues to FLAGDU in
2015. I wanted to send it to the FLAGDU list as well, as I'm hoping many of
you will be attending the convention, including our FLAGDU meeting. Please
take a few moments to look them over. In the interest of time, we will not
be reading these minutes at the meeting, but will, however, be voting to
approve them.
The minutes are pasted below my signature.
Warm regards
Florida Association of Guide Dog Users
Annual Meeting
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Universal Palms Hotel and Conference Center
Fort Lauderdale
Cypress Room
The annual meeting of the Florida Association of Guide Dog Users was called
to order by President Sherrill O'Brien at 1:05 PM. Sherrill introduced the
FLAGDU Board. There were four Board members in attendance. Audience members
then introduced themselves. There were 24 in attendance. Door prizes were
drawn throuout the meeting.
Our present secretary does not choose to continue so Sherri Brun FLAGDU
member volunteered to take minutes. Minutes from the 2014 FLAGDU meeting
were read. Merry moved and Sherri seconded that minutes be approved as read.
The motion carried.
Treasurer Tom Bellone gave the treasurer's report.
The current balance is $434.50. Merry moved and Doreen seconded that the
treasurer's report be approved as read. The motion carried.
An interim election for the position of secretary was held. Sherri Brun was
elected by acclamation. Regular elections were then held and the following
officers/board members were reelected by acclamation:
Merry Schoch, Vice President
Tom Bellone, Treasurer
Kathy Davis, Board Member
Sherrill introduced our speaker, the applicant recruiter from South-eastern
Guide Dogs Stephanie Cárdenas. Of particular interest and concern to the
audience was Southeastern's new mandatory retirement policy, with handlers
being told they should retire their dogs when they reach eleven years old.
The proposed Florida service animal legislation was discussed. The language
will bring our access laws into greater compliance with ADA laws, including
the definition of service animals narrowly defined as dogs and miniature
horses. The law makes service animal fraud a second degree misdemeanor, with
the penalty including thirty hours of community service for an organization
serving those with disabilities.
We're questioning that part of the bill because of difficulty to enforce
it. However, it should serve as a deterrent. Calls for a service animal
registry have also been proposed, which is opposed by both NAGDU and FLAGDU.
Also mentioned was the Florida tax code that specifies that guide dog
supplies, food, etc. can be tax-free. As of now, DBS ID is required for
proof to get this exemption.
Merry Schoch discussed the Natural History Museum of Florida harassment
incident involving guide dog handler Tiffany Baylor's visit there. A
protest was held in Tallahassee. Ultimately, the protest included 25
people. Excellent media coverage. Others went into the museum with their
guide dogs and were treated very well by museum employees. Because of this
incident, Marion, representing NAGDU, Sherrill and Merry, representing
FLAGDU, traveled to Tallahassee and met with Florida Secretary of State
Detzner in in December. Marion discussed the details of the meeting.
Secretary Detzner said he will not speak to a group which has no written
service animal policy.
Marion announced that NAGDU has launched its mobile advocacy and education
app which is available for free from the app store. It contains all the
access laws in the U.S. Android version will be coming soon.
Kathy Davis then facilitated a discussion about retirement of guide dogs.
Submitted by:
Sherri Brun
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