[Flagdu] 4Pawed Cast - Leash Guiding

David david at bakerinet.com
Mon May 28 21:19:14 UTC 2018

*Here is a way to access the podcast about leash guiding that Jenine 
Stanley shared on GDFTalk and I mentioned at our FLAGDU meeting on 
Saturday.  Access to a written transcript is also available on the URL 
listed below.

*It is titled: *

        May 2018 - 4PawedCast Episode 6 -Leash guiding


*In my rambling presentation, I never did finish my comments about the 
new GDF Director, John Miller.  John has Bachelor of Business 
Administration and Master of Business degrees from Hofstra. He is also 
certified as a Senior Professional in Human Resources by the HR 
Certification Institute.  My sense is that his management style is that 
of a leader who keeps his nose in and fingers out of his teams' 
activities, preferring to encourage them to perform at their highest level.

It was great to see everyone in Tampa this weekend.  'See y'all in Orlando!
*David in Clearwater, FL*
*david at bakerinet.com

*certified as a Senior Professional in Human Resources® by HR 
Certification Institute®

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