[Flagdu] approval needed for 2018 FLAGDU annual meeting minutes

Tom Bellone tom.bellone01 at yahoo.com
Wed May 22 00:55:51 UTC 2019

I vote to approve minutes as submitted via e mail.

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 21, 2019, at 5:39 PM, Sherrill O'Brien <sherrill.obrien at verizon.net> wrote:
> Greetings everyone,
> This is a formality, but, as a spokesperson for the Board, we do need to approve the 2018 annual FLAGDU meeting minutes.
> Thanks in advance for reading them, and for considering their approval.
> They will take you back to last year’s great meeting in Tampa on that blustery day!
> The minutes are pasted below my signature.
> I certainly hope to See many of you at our FLAGDU meeting on Saturday.
> Warmly,
> Sherrill
> Sherrill O'Brien, Secretary
> Florida Association of Guide Dog Users (FLAGDU)
> National Federation of the Blind of Florida
> Phone 813-935-0474, cell 813-767-1890
> eMail sherrill.obrien at verizon.net
> The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise expectations because low expectations create barriers between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want! Blindness is not what holds you back
> Florida Association of Guide Dog Users (FLAGDU)
> Annual Meeting Minutes
> Saturday, May 26, 2018,
> 3:00-5:00 PM
> Hilton Tampa Airport Westshore
> The annual FLAGDU seminar and business meeting was called to order by President Sherrill O’Brien at 3:05PM. Board members in attendance introduced themselves. Board Member Tracie Inman and Secretary Sherri Brun were absent. Audience members then introduced themselves.  Sherrill said we need to give a special welcome and recognition to two guide dog users in the room, Amanda Lannan and Michelle Yongue who are two of this year’s state scholarship winners.
> 50/50 tickets were sold during this time. The drawing will take place during the banquet. Door prizes were drawn throughout the course of the meeting.
> The 2017 annual meeting minutes were approved as emailed.
> Treasurer Tom Bellone gave the treasurer’s report, which was approved.
> Prior to the elections, Sherrill announced that she did not intend to run for another term as President. She said after ten years it was time to step down, and that it had been an honor to serve.
> Elections were held for the following officers and Board members
> President, Secretary and two Board members.
> Sherrill said that Board Member Tracie Inman and Secretary Sherri Brun did not wish to run for another term. Sherrill thanked them for their service to FLAGDU.
> The results of the elections are as follows:
> Merry Schoch, President
> Sherrill O’Brien, Secretary
> Barbara Gaw, Board Member
> Michelle Yongue, Board Member
> Because Merry is no longer the Vice President, elections were then held to finish out the remaining one year of her term.
> Marion Gwizdala was elected as the vice president
> We were to have speakers from three guide dog programs at our meeting, but Suzy Wilburne from Southeastern Guide Dogs was unable to  attend due to the storm threat. The other two speakers were longtime trainer John Byfield of Freedom Guide Dogs, and graduate David Baker of Guide Dog Foundation.
> Sherrill introduced our keynote speaker Marcus Martin, whose topic was Staying Safe in the Storm. He is with Emergency Preparedness and Recovery, Hillsborough County office of Emergency management.
> Sherrill told the audience that FLAGDU should be proud of the resolution which was submitted by Resolutions Committee Chair Merry Schoch on behalf of FLAGDU. It will be brought to the floor for a vote of the NfBF membership on Monday morning. The resolution is titled 
> Resolution Regarding Enforcement of Florida Statute 413.08 Concerning Rights of an Individual with a Disability; Use of a Service Animal.
> Marion further informed us that This is part of an ongoing effort to convince state attorneys offices around the state to take Florida’s access law seriously and prosecute violators when complaints are filed instead of ignoring the complaints.
> Merry, who is Florida’s liason for  NFB’s Uber and Lyft rideshare Testing Program, gave an update. She encouraged everyone to keep filling out the online form, whether their ride share experience with their guide dog is negative or positive.
> Marion, who is also the President of the National Association of Guide Dog Users (NAGDU), talked about the work NAGDU is doing on behalf of those who are flying with service animals. He spoke about the recent restrictive requirements several airlines are attempting to place on them, which can violate either the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA).
> The meeting was adjourned at 5:15PM.
> Respectfully submitted]
> Sherrill O’Brien, Acting Secretary
> Sherrill O'Brien, Secretary
> Florida Association of Guide Dog Users (FLAGDU)
> National Federation of the Blind of Florida
> Phone 813-935-0474, cell 813-767-1890
> eMail sherrill.obrien at verizon.net
> The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise expectations because low expectations create barriers between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want! Blindness is not what holds you back

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