[FLAGDU] lab dog tips

Kathy Davis kdavisnfbf at cfl.rr.com
Sun Jun 14 05:31:56 UTC 2020

Hi George, 
Kathy Davis here from Ormond Beach. My youngest Seeing Eye Dog was 21 months old and my oldest was 25 months old when they were given to me. 
I'm so glad that you reached out to those of us who are seasoned dog guide users. Peter did a terrific job explaining how we feel about being a user of dog guides. They are as different in personality as are my three children so you can count on that after you receive your second dog and observe the differences between that one and your first dog. 
I know one thing I was concerned about when I got my first dog was picking up after her when she did her business. Believe me, that will be taught to you and will become so natural to you that you will not think about it twice. I do keep a covered large plastic paint container in my back patio that I line with a tall kitchen garbage bag and just pitch the poop once a week when I put out my garbage. You can get such a container at Lowes without a problem. 
Of course, you'll be given tools to groom your dog and this is very important as they do shed considerably. It will keep your home and any vehicles you travel in much cleaner if you groom regularly. 
I usually get Wade, my 8 year old Lab, groomed every couple of months. That also helps to keep down the shedding and any doggy Oder. Of course, it's vitally important to line up a good vet to care for your dog when you return home. I've had the same vet since I got my first dog and I have had had 6 Seeing Eye Dogs. 
Please don't hesitate to continue to ask us more questions. We know obtaining that first dog is a bit  nerve-racking so we are here to answer any questions you may have that we have not covered. 

Best to luck and welcome to FLAGDU!

Kathy Davis

-----Original Message-----
From: FLAGDU <flagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Jorge Paez via FLAGDU
Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2020 6:40 PM
To: Florida Association of Guide Dog Users <flagdu at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Jorge Paez <paezja at mail.broward.edu>
Subject: Re: [FLAGDU] lab dog tips

Yes, it is.
I applied last year to a school but ended up not going because of scheduling conflicts.
But this is the first time I’ve actually made it through and have cleared my schedule specifically to do this.
By the way how old are the dogs when you start training at school?
I think they’re between 2 to 3 years right?


> On Jun 13, 2020, at 16:18, Peter Poliey via FLAGDU <flagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of Broward College. DO NOT click links or open attachments unless are expecting the information and you recognize the sender.
> ________________________________
> George,
> My present dog Thatcher is a yellow lab. I got him just about a year ago from GDF.
> I've had five labs over the 43 plus years I've been working a guide dog.
> Labs love to eat. I'm certain if I aloud Thatcher to pore out his own food, the bag would be empty the same day I bought it, lol.
> I've had four labs as guide dogs. I've found there very affectionate, and love to play.
> I know we're given a goody bag with treats for our dog. Well I did use the treats for  perhaps five months after I got Thatcher. I don't want to put excess wait on him. I stopped giving them to him months ago.
> I'm I guess from the old school. I want my dog to work for me because he wants to, not because I'm bribing him with a treat. This is only my opinion about this so called goody bag.
> George work your dog often. I've never had a complaint from Thatcher when we go out. He is always there, and anxious to get to work.
> George I wish you the best with your upcoming guide dog.
> George I know you said this is going to be your first Lab. Is this also your first guide dog?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: FLAGDU <flagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Jorge Alejandro Paez via FLAGDU
> Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2020 2:49 PM
> To: flagdu at nfbnet.org
> Cc: Jorge Alejandro Paez <iamjorgeapaez94 at gmail.com>
> Subject: [FLAGDU] lab dog tips
> Hi.
> Does anyone hav anything they can tell me about either lab behavior or taking care of a lab dog?
> I know they’ll teach us the basics in school but figured some of you with more experience could give me tips they won’t there.
> I already know I’m going to work with a lab since I requested it but also 96% of Southeastern Guidedog’s dogs are labs anyway.
> I know every dog breed has their own quirks so I was wondering if anyone could tell me specifically about the labs.
> Thanks,
> Jorge
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