[Fopbc] FW: interesting contest for kids to win (BlindBargains.com(

Sherrill O'Brien sherrill.obrien at verizon.net
Tue May 25 14:54:56 UTC 2010

Hello to all,

I wanted to pass along this information, as this sounds like a great contest
for kids, and even if they don't win, they've learned some good stuff
through reading about one of our states.  Read on.

Sherrill O'Brien
NFBF Board Member
-----Original Message-----
From: dailydeals-bounces at blindbargains.com
[mailto:dailydeals-bounces at blindbargains.com]On Behalf Of Blind Bargains
Daily Deals
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 7:31 AM
To: Daily Deals
Subject: BlindBargains.com Daily Deals for Tuesday, May 25

BlindBargains.com Daily Deals for Tuesday, May 25

It's time to recap the latest deals and news posted to Blind Bargains. Feel
free to forward this message to your friends.

Got a suggestion, comment, or bargain request? Email
bargains at blindbargains.com.

In this issue:

  b..  2. Students Can Win an iPod or Victor Reader Stream for Reading
  c..  with Bookshare this Summer
  If you or someone you know is a student in grades K-12, you could win big
in Bookshare's Summer Road Trip contest. From June 1 through August 15,
participating students can read books about any of the 50 states and then
submit their thoughts using an online form to be entered. The top readers in
three categories will win either an 8GB iPod Nano, Victor Reader Stream, or
USB pen drive among other prizes. You must be a Bookshare member to
participate in the contest. Check the link for more details.

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