[Fopbc] Fwd: Reminder: Seminars at Hadley Presents: Let's Talk: Raising a Child with Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP)

Lenora Marten fopbc at aol.com
Mon Jun 21 16:28:53 UTC 2010

Seminars at Hadley Presents: Let’s Talk: Raising a Child with Retinopathy of 
rematurity (ROP) 

ate:  Tuesday, June 22
ime:  6:30 PM CDT,  23:30 GMT
Seminars at Hadley is pleased to present this “Let’s Talk” discussion on the unique 
oys and challenges of raising a child with retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). 
oin the conversation with Paula Korelitz, an experienced vision teacher and 
urrent outreach director for The Association for Retinopathy of Prematurity and 
elated Diseases (ROPARD), and Jen O'Neill, mother of 6-year-old Camille, who 
as born 25 weeks premature and has severe ROP. Paula and Jen will share their 
nsights and personal experiences as they address the following questions:
What can parents expect on their child’s journey from NICU to preschool and 
here can families find support and information on ROP? 
re there teaching strategies families can utilize in their child’s daily 
Please come prepared to ask questions and share your concerns during this 
our-long seminar moderated by Hadley instructors Debbie Worman and Debbie 
To register for this seminar, please follow this link.

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