[Greater-baltimore] Transition Club Chili Dinner Fund Raiser---WE WANT YOU!!!

Thorpe, Mary Jo MThorpe at nfb.org
Fri Jan 16 17:36:59 UTC 2009

Hi all,
	The transition Club (our Baltimore chapter's group of blind high
school students)   will be organizing a chili dinner fund raiser again
this year to raise money for their program.  As the transition club is
no longer a program of the Jernigan Institute, but in a sense a junior
chapter, and something we'd like to keep going, we really need  all your
help.  This fund raiser has been a great success in the past and we hope
that it will be once again.  This is a great opportunity to get to know
some of the youth in our area and serve as a positive mentor to them.
Its all about giving back.  Even though some of these activities require
a little time out in the cold, it's worth it for the warm feeling you'll
get from doing some great service...how's that for sappy cheesiness?  
	So here are a few ways you can help out:
1.  Purchasing a dinner--probably the easiest and most enjoyable way.
We will begin taking dinner orders next week.  Dinners will be $10 each
and will include an order of chili, dessert, and piece of corn bread.
If you are interested in ordering a dinner, please contact me at
mthorpe at nfb.org or by phone at 318.243.4135. 
2.  Helping to pass out flyers and take orders in the local area--On
Wednesday, Jan. 21, the students will be passing out flyers in the
Federal Hill area.  There are tons of houses so we could really use your
help to get them out to as many areas as possible.  Many hands make
light work, so if you could meet at the NFB at 5 p.m., we'd love the
help.  We will wrap up around 7 p.m. On Saturday, Jan. 24 from 1-4 p.m.
we will be going back out to those areas and taking orders and
collecting money.  Again, we need lots of volunteers to expedite this
3.  Saturday, Jan. 31--THE BIG DAY!!!  We will be putting the dinners
together and packaging the food.  After this we will make the
deliveries.  We need individuals to help package and to help deliver,
including DRIVERS.  This will be from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.  Lunch will be
provided.  In the past this has been a really fun activity, despite the

Please call or email me if you are interested in helping out in some
fashion for any of the above times.  My email address is mthorpe at nfb.org
or you can call me at 318.243.4135.  I look forward to hearing from

Mary Jo Thorpe 

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